Advanced Tonality

Very informative, great information and necessary knowledge for anyone trying to sell anything both online and offline in person!

the First :28 Seconds

Alright, so … I’ve never really been one to subscribe to the idea of, like … “positive energy” and being all optimistic and stuff …

I mean, most people who know me know that I’m typically pretty quiet and reserved for the most part … but as I’ve studied more of this neuroscience stuff, I’m coming to realize that there may be some truth to all that “positive energy” stuff.

As I’ve learned more about the different parts of the brain and what they do … I’ve learned that, like … how it’s just … very possible … to set people off with something as simple as our tonality.

But on the flipside, I’ve also learned that purposefully using the right tonalities at the right places and doing something as simple as … raising the inflection at the end of a sentence? …

Like, doing stuff like that will…

View original post 1,497 more words


Pitbull Politics- Trump for ALL Americans


Only hope for America is Jesus

Only hope for President is Donald Trump

He is a patriot, not running as a poilitician but fending them off in every direction.

If we the people elect Donald Trump, the corruption will start to end and the trickle down of integrity will benefit every office and agency that will be able to do their jobs right.

Govt waste will be slashed.

Foreign Govts we support will have to respect US and our values.

We will live once again according the the values our nation was founded upon.

Political Correctness has only been a bully term coined to remove truth & integrity from society. Truth MUST return AND  WE MUST D0 WHAT IS RIGHT.

Fairness to ALL patriotic citizens will be restored.

Subversives will no longer be able to manipulate our laws and good will to try and…

View original post 178 more words

Islamic Terrorism Cell Hit San Bernadino ~ NO TIME FOR TONE – STOP REFUGEES Til Proper Vetting is Fixed

NO TIME FOR TONE~! BIPARTISANS UNITE ~Stop the inflow of terrorism in the USA – With NO real vetting of refugees we need to stop allowing them into the country the way the President is enabling them to do. 

We need the equivilent of an Ellis Island as immigrants first went to when coming to our country. They had to take citizenship classes and had to renounce their home country and pledge their allegiance to America. This was the way it was done and needs to be implemented again. The time of their confinement would enable a new political agency to research them and determine if they would become good citizens and not coming here to be colonists and subversives that will lead others into terroristic actions.

The Govt has gone so liberal and corrupt that the Obama method is merely unleashing anyone calling themselves refugees who have no real documentation or who have false identification that are sneaking into our country as bad or worse than the illegals sneaking in by our southern borders.The enemy has learned our ways and uses our weaknesses and laws against us to occupy and to later take over. We need to stop and re-evaluate  how immigrants are being allowed into our country. Its insane to let enemies infiltrate occupy and then randomly attack and strike fear into the hearts of all Americans.
Donald Trump for President – Stop the influx of terrorism in the USA – Govt has to get act together~!
We are Patriotic American People for Trump

Despite any MSM & political perceived minor or accused shortcomings
I think its time for bipartisan support for Donald J. Trump as a

strong leadership skills needed to restore our nation

brilliant economist.,
tough character,
very smart
learns very fast to be
able to attempt to deal with the darker days ahead
as he seems to have the most
common sense and is the
least apologetic concerning the threats we face as a society and nation.

If America is to survive we need Donald Trump for President Trump to bring back many of the things we lost to other nations and ideologies while America has been sleeping for decades on some matters. He takes the heat when bringing these matter to the forefront in news and politics. While man condemn Trump for saying to Ban Muslims temporarily, he knows better than most that this  is where we need to begin and stop the flow of terrorists into our country waiting to attack anywhere anytime. 

.Featured Image -- 21


Whats so hard to figure out? Terrorism by any name is still terrorism.

We say Caliphate – they say Khalifa  [like saying  tomatoes tomatas]

THEN THE ISLAMIC CULTS~ SEEKING TO BRING ABOUT CALIPHATESancient persian empire turkey syria lebanon israel jordan iraq iran afghanistan pakistan

Islamic based Caliphate Cults however lure, cultivate and breed unlimited offspring of mass murderers ~ seeking out those who possess enough resentment towards society ~ who have the guts to follow through ~

As many sects/cults are destroyed, more and more rise up all led by the same spirit of hate and murder~ all have the same ultimate goal with slight variations on who will be leader.

Modern day youth are very wrestless, disgruntled, bored, angry, lonely and depressed.They lack purpose. Many lack mates and jobs. This makes ISIS very prolific in being another, perhaps the most successful  cult of death, an army of satan infecting every corner of the earth.

ISIS uses people at any and many levels- one type being the religious side of islam~ so some of their members will come in through dreams of redemption or glory for allah while ‘good’ islamics claim no association.

Guess the few that do the killing,  make up for it, as it sure seems muslims do a heck of a lot of killing worldwide with all sorts of alu branding.

Others that join islamic terror groups such as former city gang members or ex-cons from prisons, with a limited conversion seeking redemption or a wife by killing for allah.

Considering workplace violence in gun free zones – most often perpetrated by islamic extremists, shouldn’t Our president resign since this pesky work place violence thingy is proven islamic terrorism – like  Ft Hood ~ in Little Rock in 2009 and Chattanooga 2015 at other gun free zones –

The President didn’t even fly the flag 1/2 mast for the dead Marines at Chattanooga for several days and didn’t do so til there was a media back lash – but the this time at San Bernadino, he is flying 1/2 mast flags over a proven terror event where the terrorists got killed .

Nidal Malik Hasan FTHOOD


In 2009 had Ft Hood not been a gun free zone, our own military casualties could have been avoided and that terrorist military psych could have been killed and others saved~

OBAMA KEEPS Calling it workplace violence- what a slap in the face to America – but the president got away with it then AND AGAIN AND AGAIN…

Kind of like the 2009 Little Rock recruiting office shooting took place on June 1, 2009, when the American Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, born Carlos Leon Bledsoe, opened fire with a rifle in a drive-by shooting on soldiers in front of a United States military recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas. He killed Private William Long and wounded Private Quinton Ezeagwula.

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, Cattanooga shooter

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, Cattanooga shooter

After his arrest, Muhammad acknowledged shooting the men.

He told police that he had intended to kill as many Army personnel as possible.

The Obama administration hasn’t learned anything from the massacres at Fort Hood in 2009 and 2014 or the Washington Navy Yard in 2013 OR HAS HE?

Washington Navy Yard in 2013.

Washington Navy Yard in 2013.Islamic Terrorism nicknamed Work Place Violence



OKC beheader

OKC Beheader Jah’Keem-Yisrael-Alton-Nolen

Once they find they cant climb their ladder of success such as the OKLAHOMA CITY BEHEADER [9-25-2014] who was seeking a wife~found got over 116 new islamic ‘girl’ friends [on Facebook only 2 wks before~he was prompted to kill his coworker in OKC~Guess those virgins are virtual.

Still others still join for love or friendship they haven’t found in society & willingly go over to the ‘dark side‘ for some sort of personal satisfaction or to just ‘belong‘ to a cause even if its a murder cult,

Anyone who is that vulnerable/volatile  who feels like a societal reject in any way is more apt to jump at the chance to join any extremist group simply out of frustration or loneliness. So be nicer to nerds & outcasts~!!

This type is best used for “Lone Wolf attacks” because some of them still wrestle with whats left of their conscience and may need to be prodded along to comply.These are often used earlier on when they are more pliable.

These are the ones that wont be brought overseas to fight ~but used to fight locally and to die along with their victims.

These are the ones that pose a “higher threat level” to every nation
and they are hardest to find and unknown until tragedy strikes. They
often aren’t given any clear association or connection to the cells that may enable them to commit their heinous crimes.

Local recruits for ISIS are at the bottom of their terrorist food chain are the most expendable.Often never meeting anywhere but online and prepped and prompted to strike out anywhere anytime.

The internet is used by all types of people but the “vulnerable” or should we call them the “volatile
are the easiest to cultivate to commit murder impetuously and locally. These are easier to manipulate by promises of sex disguised as love or by loneliness seeking redemption before a god, any god.

Here you will find men/women doing things no one would ever expect
because they are quickly attracted and addicted to their evil girlfriends/boyfirends or wives/husbands.

Some join to kill, others just to get married or for brief companionship, but then become trapped and called to pay the ultimate price – an act of terrorism.

Others once married and with children- like maybe was the case in San Bernadino~ do it thinking its to save their own children ~ as often their heartless spouses will threaten to take away or even kill their children or some other family members if they don’t and go as far as to say if they are in a secret cell ~ that their cell leaders will kill their entire families
~if they won’t go out and kill some innocents for them
as evidenced & documented cases in Africa and other places have said~!

Same tactics would be used here and are kept secret, so we have to be concerned as they can happen anywhere.

Despite the president, MSN & other political talking heads
seeking or finding excuses for the murderers while in effect disrespecting the families of the victims.
[as some are now doing]

So looking a little closer at San Bernadino…..


Farook & Malik Murdered 14 Wounded 17 in San Bernandino

San Bernadino

Wife was radicalizing husband, who was a lonely heart she captured online, but who was a deeply religious islamic.saying “it was the wife”
leading the husband or not –
It really doesnt matter as he chose her and to do what he did.

Men like him are a particular threat to our safety since it broadens the threat to all, changing the known profiles of killers to include any lonely heart guy or in some cases the reverse- women.

What does it matter that Farook used to be a good guy?
He obviously followed his heart and changed .

He killed 17 people and wounded 21.

What matters is this recruiting method.
It is tapping into an unlimited source of many young people who are loners
and it will recruit them and
use them locally when least expected.

Bottom line is like taking a person out of a mental hospital
and giving them a gun and telling them to go kill,

…only we are talking about
people already established in society,working and living among us.

Now its not just the youth but business people and coincidentally well educated people  in some medical related fields.
No one is safe anymore – maybe we never were – but now its worse

So anyone can be a suspect,
Anyone using the internet, not just islamic but anyone, as they will use even those they consider to be infidels to carry out their plots to murder and commit acts of terror.

‘They’ will continue to do this til they can take over even if it takes decades.

They got the “Manipulation of Human Nature” formula down pat and  know how to convert any vulnerable/volatile  weak-minded, disgruntled, dumb ass [Bible called their top ascendant leader, Ishmael a wild donkey <dumb ass> of a man always fighting]

They recruit anyone to do their dirty work.

ISIS leads its <dumb ass> followers into sacrificing all to help bring about the next barbaric bloody caliphate -khalifa which will be a literal hell on earth~!

When one lures a new recruit/member by any means including ‘love’ they gain very intimate control over that person.

In San Bernadino, the isis loving wife may have even used her baby as  bait to get her ‘led-by-the-nose husband’ to do what she said.

Still he knew the difference between right and wrong and he CHOSE her. She chose ISIS.
He chose to participate.


Syed Rizwan Farook 28 US Born Islamic Terrorist Killed 14 Wounded 21 San Bernandino Ca

Even if ambivilent, he still went into his job that day to find the best opportunity~ to set it up for maximum impact –
He chose that Christmas Party to send a double message against Christians and Capitalists. She was set and ready for action.
He went to the party scoped it out~ found the best time to do it ~ got her, went back and did it . They fled.

ISIS Woman - murderer

Tashfeen Malik 30 – Islamic Terrorist Killed 14 Wounded 17 San Bernadino Ca,

People wonder why he did it and how could she do it having a young baby at home. Luring a person by love or sex is a basic cult tactic used for decades or more. Kids are collateral. Hers was to live which to her was more than it deserved.This bewilders the MSM and lefties.Why leave a baby behind? Well it may take a few generations to establish their beloved Khalifa and that baby may be needed to do more terrorism in her early adult days.She was bred for it.

Now Obama is trying to get away with it over San Bernadino but upping his efforts to disarm the rest of America ~ to make it even easier for terrorists to commit their atrocities on innocent people.

God bless the law enforcement that took out the 2 terrorists in San Bernadino. Obama couldn’t save them!

San Bernadino Shootout Isis Wife shot from rear while husband drove. Police were fired upon over 70 times before unloading rounds into the SUV till return fire stopped. Both terrorists were dead at the scene.

San Bernadino Shootout Isis Wife shot from rear while husband drove. Police were fired upon over 70 times before unloading rounds into the SUV till return fire stopped. Both terrorists were dead at the scene.

Obama sent in people from Washington to San Bernadino and also had them take crucial evidence back to Washington ~ which now due to their alleged corruption in DC ~ we may or may never get the detailed truth or find links to other cells that may have had ties to these 2 terrorists.

This couple was obviously an ‘arsenal station’  for others – lone wolves or cells or malcontents – wanting to further the cause of ISIS by supporting ISIS -murdering innocents here in America.

Maybe later on some will be saying shame on the FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation if they failed to obtain any needed evidence in the home of the terrorists.

Many say they were releasing their apt so early made it an open field day for reporters,who now forever destroyed any possible evidence that could lead to any more clues to cells or others involved~! Hope they already got that info and are acting on it but keeping it on the down low til they capture them.


In Palestine women proudly breed babies to place in harms way to get hurt or killed simply for propaganda value against the Jews !
They don’t think like normal people. They are twisted – all of them as far as that goes.Thankfully we are told that most aren’t violent.{?}


Guess the few that do killing,  make up for it, as it sure seems muslims do a heck of a lot of killing worldwide with all sorts of alu branding.

Once they commit to the gal/guy, then they commit to their cause no matter what it is- either a slave or a murderer~.In Africa its widespread.

muslims slaves

Slavery is sanctioned by the Quran. Although the Koran encourages humane treatment [food & beatings] it still accepts slavery over death & they traffic in it still

initiated Islamic slavery by enslaving the women and children of a number of Arabian tribes

 Islamic slavery~ enslaving the women and children of a number of Arabian tribes

Islamic slavery~ enslaving the women and children of a number of Arabian tribes

Now consider the 70s non-muslim cults like Jim Jones, Children of God and even the Halbot Cult etc. [though none of these were ISIS type]

They all used ‘flirty fishing” to lure young lonely hearts, guys/gals, losers ex-cons, mental cases, weak minded, and disgruntled into their ideologies to do their bidding.

With the 70s Jesus Movement, Gurus and Christian Cult Leaders  lured more young and disgruntles who readily followed and exalted  their leaders – however most often members were used for money, willing slave laborers and were nonviolent in nature ~like the Church of Bible Understanding [COBU] who converted its members into a workforce of carpet cleaners who donated their salaries back to their leader Stewart Traill.

Jim Jones cult group became kind of like militant separatists and yet imploded their group down in Guyana with an horrific mass suicide and murder of those who wouldn’t drink the KoolAid ~as they were religiously deluded and controlled.

When Jones thought the govt was closing in, he began to have everyone drink the poison to all die together. Those who refused, were killed.

The Halbot cult-another cult winner~  lured and led their followers into mass suicide based on a comet coming near the earth and thought they’d be beamed aboard by some one like Scotty~!.

Everyone now has to prepare themselves to defend themselves .
The Law Enforcement groups help but are limited, especially as these people/cells blend in among us.

Watch your neighbor.

Balance your paranoia as it rises and it will have to rise somewhat as we are living in an increasingly dangerous world.

Many Separatists have seen it coming as well as conspiracy theorists and they are the ones now best prepared and so it seems some of them at least are not as crazy as some thought.

Emotionally it may be like walking a tight rope or on eggshells from now on unless we find  strong bold leadership that is not corrupted ~who can restore our government and its agencies to stop the corruption that has been allowing our country to be destroyed and disrespected..,


Pitbull Politics- Trump for ALL Americans

Whats so hard to figure out? Our president is flying flags over a terror event where the terrorists got killed this time.

Had Ft Hood not been a gun free zone, our own military casualties could have been avoided and that terrorist military psych could have been killed and others saved~

Calling it workplace violence was a slap in the face to America – but the president got away with it then. Now he is trying to get away with it over San Bernadino and upping his efforts to disarm the rest of America to make it even easier for terrorists to commit their atrocities on innocent people,

God bless the law enforcement that took out the 2 terrorists in San Bernadino.

Obama sent in people from Washington and also had them take evidence back to Washington which now due to their alleged corruption in DC we may never get…

View original post 1,408 more words

Something about Donald Trump Stands Out above the rest of those running for POTUS


Something about Trump stands out to me ~ Below is this letter from Mr.Donald Trump~

Unlike EVERY other candidate, he is not a politician – he’s in it to save America! He doesn’t have that ‘donate’ button – is doing it at his own expense.

Every other political message I have received from many other candidates
ALL ask for money and ALL promise virtually no solutions or plans and have track records showing that career politicians for the most part do nothing and at best most attack others character without addressing the problems our nation faces. None of them offer any viable solutions.

Trump talks about solutions and doing something about the problems.
Anyway so far, he is at the top of my list as someone worth following in this political arena and so far if an election was held now, I would vote for Trump~!

Have a great week 🙂


Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 06:15:59 +1000
Subject: Standing Up for What Is Right

– JULY 08 2015 –


A leader must stand strong, especially when under attack. I am being criticized in the media for speaking out about the dangers of illegal immigration. But many have shown me their support.  Bill O’ReillyRep. Trey GowdyTed Cruz,Ben CarsonAnn Coulter, and Pat Buchanan are some of the most prominent who have commended me for my strength and leadership on this issue.

Others in immigrant communities have praised Trump for pointing out this problem, going so far as to say that assuming Mr. Trump meant his statements negatively towards legal immigrants would be a total disregard for the facts.

With the right leadership, we can Make America Great Again!

Our border is not secure and it is costing us American lives. Just last week an innocent young woman, Kathryn Steinle, was viciously murdered by an illegal immigrant. This SHOULD NOT have happened and was easily preventable. The illegal immigrant who committed this terrible act was previously deported five times. He has even admitted that he crossed into San Francisco because it is a sanctuary city.

Our cities should not be sanctuaries for criminals. We must fix our country’s broken immigration system and not let Kathryn Steinle become part of a larger statistic.

Illegal immigration is a threat to our safety and national security. It also hurts legal immigrants economically.

A nation without borders is a nation that cannot survive. I am a builder, and as President of the United States I will build the wall fast and build it right.

I will continue to be bold in my stance against illegal immigration.

The Establishment and elites are criticizing me because I want a secure border and people entering our country to follow the rule of law. No surprise. They are politicians controlled by big money donors, lobbyists, and special interests. They want amnesty– I will bring jobs back home and strengthen the middle class.

I want to thank the great people of Bedford, New Hampshire for hosting me last Tuesday. I always love visiting the Granite State. We talked about the need for leaderswho can negotiate great deals for the United States. When I spoke to attendees, they told me our country needs a leader who won’t shy away from problems or adversaries.

Meeting great people on the trail in New Hampshire.

You can count on me to tell the truth.

It is time for action and it is time for results!

Our campaign will never stop being bold and unapologetic.

We can Make America Great Again!

With Best Wishes, 

Donald J. Trump 

Forward to a friend

P.S. I will be traveling this week to meet with voters. Follow me on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to keep track of our progress and find events you can join us at!



Subject: Dont Dump on Trump – I support Trump for President


Donald Trump’s freedom of speech expression is being misrepresented by liberal media to cause racial tensions between Latinos who are being lumped together by progressive liberals . Not all Latinos are illegals.There are more law abiding educated legal Latinos that are being insulted as a result of the spin or twist the liberal media has created based on Mr Trumps statement. I want to show support for Mr.Trump

That’s why I created a petition to Donald Trump, Candidate.

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Donald Trump would make the BEST President of the USA has had since Reagan



Mr Trump can provide hope to ALL Americans~

  •  -Rich & Poor
  • -Young & Old,
  • -All Races
  • -Able bodied & Disabled,
  • -Genders
  • -Winners & Losers
  • -Entitled and Unentitled

The Office of President of the USA is the “Executive” Branch of Govt and NEEDS a capable Executive – one that can DO the job.

Many in the media & demlibs say things about him ~ but his own success shows that he is the most capable in our country for this job~!

His talents, efforts and determination outweigh any negatives he opines about and still make him the ideal person to be placed in charge of establishing a Patriotic Cabinet that will run our Nation for the benefit of our Nation,

He is a true Patriot [no one can deny!] and cares about America [ although his interests are global & he has projects going on all over the world ]  and we the people.

He is raw and honest so even if and when he says something that could be considered a gaffe or joke –

remember others have done as much before he ever did! –

He is honest , speaks his mind and is willing  provide the leadership our Nation so desperately needs to succeed and to survive all the damage Obama and some of his predecessors have wrought.

Vote for Donald Trump~!!

Although I’m now a disabled retired American , I worked many years ago on Wall St in Stocks & Import Export companies as well as at the WTC  & in the restaurant industry as well as self employment in art & sign painting and other jobs.

I saw how both good and bad executives handled matters in larger corporations as well as mom and pop companies .

Its time we have a ‘real executive’ in the Executive Branch of Government.

I feel fully confident in the capabilities of Donald Trump to fulfill the executive job as President of the USA better than any other candidate.

The Executive Branch of government NEEDS someone who possesses the best ‘executive skills’ and can demonstrate his executive experience both at home and abroad.

A President needs to know how to effectively negotiate and run his business endeavors to make his company the most successful it can become and meets the needs of his employees and produces the products or the services he provides do what they are represented to do.
When expanded to the political arena, a President as the leader of his country represents his country and must be able to negotiate on the global political arena to do the best for those he represents, as well as be able to manage the course of government and focus on the interests of the people he represents.

More than needing someone who is merely political who would say anything to get elected and then let our nation down, such as Obama who has failed miserably as an executive or CEO of the USA plunging our nation into more incredible debt, weakened our military, failed in foreign policies resulting in the spread of terrorism and reversing military goals previously accomplished and divided our nation at every level imaginable.

We need a President that can negotiate with Foreign powers over trade and political concerns that affect our national interests, not one that sells our nation out to reduce its footprint on the world such as Obama has been doing.

We need a President that can stand up to foreign powers
[ like Reagan did with Russia to tear down the Berlin Wall ]
and who can fully relate to the will of the American people negotiating with all classes and races to address both social and economic issues.

We need a president who has the intelligence and capability of putting together a management level team or “cabinet”  that can effectively run the branch of government he has been entrusted with that includes the military and running of social & educational divisions of government that manage all the different agencies and who can resolve the matters that lead to running our nation more effectively reducing government waste.

We need a President whose actions command respect both globally and nationally who will champion the cause of democracy and the very besis for which America was founded.

We need a President who will not stand down under pressure but who is and will be be prepared in all circumstances to promote and expand the interests & security of the United Stated of America on a global scale.

We need a President that will actively work to promote and increase jobs & job training programs within America, protect its borders, regain control over and enforce immigration regulations, maintain a strong military as its commander in chief and rebuild & upgrade the infrastructure of our nation.

We need a President who can recognize, empathize and realize the needs of his people in all the diverse categories our nation has who can hob nob with the rich and famous, mingle and meet the needs of the middle class, as well as empathize and manage the agencies that can meet the genuine needs of all the dis-enfranchized including the elderly, the disabled, the under-privileged, the poor, so that every level of our society’s citizenship can become able to fit together and function as a the best collective society in the world.

We need a President that can unite our people and bridge the gaps of the racial and class divides.

Donald Trump is such an executive and in touch with all parts of society being a successful builder and a prominent, well known and liked by members of all parts of our society who can do and achieve everything we all need a President to be able to do!


to do his best and am certain that  his best will be best for our Nation~!


Donald Trump is the most qualified potential  candidate who ‘can make our nation great again’~!

What does ArtRave mean to you? Would you want to buy URL to develop?



It means many things to many people

To me it was for family friendly art for the passed several years – art that was safe for all viewing audiences and that it was non-offensive , no nudity, no violence, no nasty agendas


To others it meant quite the opposite and more.

Some have used the term to describe grand openings of certain entertainment parties.

Others used it to promote their tours and venues internationally

Some use it to rate things

Others use it in conjunction with other names and terms to promote contemporary ideas.

Overall ArtRave in google and wikipedia has taken on a meaning all its own, however to own the Dotcom – the NAME – could open doors to endless business possibilities for future development in ANY area of busness entertainment , that a person could want to point it towards~!

Its a powerful promotion-able name~!

Most other relevant dotcoms have already been taken.,

Most art relevant dotcoms that have any significance in search engines are even rarer~

Of those for sale most names don’t even make sense and while they may have short URLS they wouldn’t be suitable to be the name of the company or person. is one of the last and few available that makes sense~!!

Now that our direction has been different of the popular things associated with ArtRave we decided not to fight the name and its associations.

We have decided to change our name to ArtRevu so no longer need to hang onto the coveted domain. though we will be sad to see it go 🙂

I am  handling the SALE. Best offers will be considered. Obstacles for tranfer have been eliminated so this dotcom once sold can be up and running on your server in a few days.Transfer will be quick and seamless.

While estimates of Dotcoms such as ArtRave vary –

Most are estimated at $10M or more.

ArtRave will consider all offers but the desired list price now is $2,750,000

(No offers below $1,000,00 will be considered)

For an up and coming company or business this si a rock bottom price for a domain that will last you a life time~!

YOUR Present Determines Your Future ~ Not Your Past

While your Past circumstances or choices may have contributed to or led to your present, it is what you do with your present that will contribute or lead to your future.

Time, chance and circumstance happen to everyone. Your choices have consequences.Others may contribute positively or negatively to your life and situation but its your choices that determine your outcome.

Someone else’s good fortune is NOT the reason for your misfortune and jealousy or envy only leads to strife and excuses that cause resentments.

At some point in everyone’s life they have to take responsibility for their own present life.You cant blame your parents,your boss, your friends,your enemies for your actions. You alone choose your path whether or not to take the easy way out or take the initiative or exercise the perseverance needed to improve or change your path in life.

Imagining & using excuses or dwelling in the past to wallow in your present will make your future dim. Working within your own personal limitations no matter what they are there is always a way to change your path.. You just have to decide if you will remain a victim of your perceived circumstances or plan and execute ways to go in a new direction.

So what if you are a nationality you may not like or if you have freckles,or are bald, or fat, or scarred or are thin or dont like how you look or dont like where you live or dont like another’s view points or feel cheated in some way or another or missed opportunities in the past.

You can always seek to work towards another opportunity and take it when it arises You can always clean yourself up if needed to improve your self image and mindset.
No one is perfect or the sole standard for all to be like.

It doesnt matter what my ancestors did, were or were viewed like. Whether my grandfathers were kings, slaves, cavemen, warriors,  heroes, scientists, chimney sweeps, farmhands,, politicians doctors, waiters, servants  or cowards means nothing to where I am at now or where I can choose to be in the future.

It is up to me and my perceptions as to what I shall become and how I am remembered,  as anyone can rise above their circumstances or sink to levels that benefit no one, especially themselves.

Its okay to ask for help when needed but also right to help someone in need.

Everyone is both a giver and a taker at some points in their lives. Its never alright to take when you are not willing to give to or to demand from others what you will not do for yourself or others.

We are only entitled to life and to participate in it with others as we all inter-depend on one another in whichever society we live in.

You must be willing to contribute to your own life, as well as to the lives of others, if you think others should in some way contribute to your life.

If you live a life where your lot is profitable, it is still partly because of others in your life . Never should you get ahead by pushing someone else behind you. LEND A it  forward!

There will always be a line in mankind, those up front and those behind- those with wealth and those without. No matter where you stand in that line, know there is always someone less fortunate as well as those more fortunate.

Wherever you see your place in that line of life, play by the right rules set forth by your Creator and humbly do everything with gratitude and by making right choices. Persevere, move forward, live each day to its fullest potential.

Do your best at whatever task is before you.Don’t wallow  in your  failures, but pick yourself up and start over again and again as necessary. Make  changes as you figure out better ways  to do  something. Never stop  learning. NO ONE knows it all.

Live life with faith in God, dignity, honesty, generosity but most of all live it with godly LOVE for others. God is love.

Any religion filled with hate, murder, allowing  theft, encouraging lying and more negative agendas to their theology where their  ‘god’ that is otherwise called  be assured that is not ‘god’ but a devil.

Do not follow a devil as a god.The devil is a liar and father of lies and will seek to manipulate and  deceive and provide justifications for wrong doing.

God does not lie. JESUS is the example to follow – He is the Way, the Truth and the Life as well as the Resurrection and thru Him you can attain eternal life or reject it.

He said all others are liars and they will be separated in eternity to go to the place of darkness away from God that is called hell or the lake of fire.

God doesn’t make people go there.They go there as the consequence of their choices demonstrated by their rejection of God and His ways during their lives.

Dont make or accept wrong, negative unrighteous or underhanded choices .

Stand up for mankind, fight for the right, reject the wrong.

Walk in another’s shoes without being judgmental. Let God be their judge.
Live peacefully, strive to maintain peace, strive for peace but do not surrender to wrong or to tyrants or to any evil.

Seek to be free and not to be enslaved by anyone. Separate yourselves from evildoers.

Pray for those who despitefully use you. Avoid troublemakers.

Help those in need to get on the right path. Oppress no one.

When you move on always move  forward.

Consider the past as lessons  learned,  to help avoid the pitfalls that may lay ahead.

Remain hopeful, do not despair, give life your best effort. YOU WILL SUCCEED.

Now LISTING OVER 300 Pcs and adding more Jewelry every day

Please visit and Like+ my NEW ArtRave Jewelry Page on Facebook

As time permits I am listing now on Facebook, many of the pages and groups I manage  as well as on my  twitter, , Pinterest, tumblr, stumblupon blogs  and more but am beginning to use my facebook jewelry page a main hub as well as my most popular shop pages on

Ebid and


While I manage this page along with many  other sites I dont get alot of time lately for my missed regular social chit chats, as I have been very  busy 20+ hours a day online 7 days a week buying and selling jewelry ~ getting ready and making my jewelry available for this holiday shopping  season!

I still sell my art but began buying & selling more  & more  higher quality imported & handmade jewelry this year.

Most of my jewelry is superior to anything you will find for a simple example ~  in Walmart ~  [and other stores with jewelry departments] I am always searching and comparing quality and prices as I seek out  the  best deals  to be found worldwide.I check trends in buying and look  for  what people  would want, especially keeping  it unique and rare  as most people understandably want to be the only one in their circle  of friends  that  wears a certain piece of  jewelry.

I buy and inspect every single piece that I offer and in most are one of a kind – rare- or closeouts.

I seek out mostly unique gold filled rings, bracelets,earrings, necklaces and more so than gold plated as gold filled is more durable and contains more gold and is usually made better.I look to buy low so I can offer great discounts compared to many other sellers.

Some of my imports have taken up to 2 months to arrive as they are rare or one of a kinds and made in remote regions around the world.

After receiving and inspecting them I prepare their pictures and details so I can present them online to you for sale – so – you dont have to wait as I did that all for you before posting !

I ALSO MAKE CUSTOM JEWELRY using real gemstones and natural gemstones, sterling silverwires and charms and take specific orders.

I keep competitive and stay on top of retail pricing. My prices are lower when compared ~ although after comparing at Walmart I found my jewelry is also superior while still less expensive !

I began to still sell online thru private messages but now also on my new facebook jewelry page, ArtRave. Ebid, Webidz, WordPress  and more.

Check my listings in my ebid store site ~ ~ which is becoming my most used site.
I provide clickable links that make it easier for anyone wanting to buy any of my great jewelry can do so online.

On any of my ebid pages there is also a ‘store icon’ that will link you too my 350+other auctions and sales there as well….

I am now located in Elk county [moved from Mansfield, Tioga Pa.] so those who live locally can still come to pick it up or I can mail it to you.It takes alot of time posting online but its more convenient for most .

I can ship usually within 24 hours as all items listed are alredy here in stock unless special or custom orders which are handled privately..

Remember this info was available as of 2008 about Obama & he still was elected !?

Around 1979 Obama started college at Occidental in California.
He is very open about his two years at Occidental; he tried all kinds of drugs and was wasting his time but, even though he had a brilliant mind, did not apply himself to his studies.
“Barry” (that was the name he used all his life) during this time had
two roommates, Muhammad Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, both from Pakistan.
During the summer of 1981, after his second year in college, he made a “round the world” trip. Stopping to see his mother in Indonesia, next Hyderabad in India, three weeks in Karachi, Pakistan where he stayed with his roommate’s family, then off to Africa to visit his father’s family.
My question – Where did he get the money for this trip?
Neither I, nor any one of my children would have had money for a trip like this when they where in college.
When he came back he started school at Columbia University in New York.
It is at this time he wants everyone to call him Barack – not Barry.
Do you know what the tuition is at Columbia?
It’s not cheap! to say the least.
Where did he get money for tuition?
Student Loans? Maybe.
After Columbia, he went to Chicago to work as a Community Organizer for $12,000. a year. Why Chicago? Why not New York? He was already living in New York.
By “chance” he met Antoin “Tony” Rezko, born in Aleppo Syria, and a real estate developer in Chicago.
Rezko has been convicted of fraud and bribery this year.
Rezko, was named “Entrepreneur of the Decade” by the
Arab-American Business and Professional Association”.
About two years later, Obama entered Harvard Law School. Do you have any idea what tuition is for Harvard Law School?
Where did he get the money for Law School?
More student loans?
After Law school, he went back to Chicago.
Rezko offered him a job, which he turned down.
But, he did take a job with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland. Guess what?
They represented “Rezar” which is Rezko’s firm.
Rezko was one of Obama’s first major financial contributors when he ran for office in Chicago.
In 2003, Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama which Chicago Tribune reporter David Mendelland claims was instrumental in providing Obama with “seed money” for his U.S. Senate race.
In 2005, Obama purchased a new home in Kenwood District of Chicago for $1.65 million (less than asking price).
With ALL those Student Loans –
Where did he get the money for the property?
On the same day Rezko’s wife, Rita, purchased the adjoining empty lot for full price.
The London Times reported that Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-born Billionaire loaned Rezko $3.5 million three weeks before Obama’s new home was purchased.
Obama met Nadhmi Auchi many times with Rezko.
Now, we have Obama running for President.
Valerie Jarrett, was Michele Obama’s boss.
She is now Obama’s chief advisor and he does not make any
major decisions without talking to her first.
Where was Jarrett born?
Ready for this?
Shiraz, Iran. 
Do we see a pattern here? Or, am I going  crazy?
On May 10, 2008 The Times reported, Robert Malley advisor to Obama was “sacked” after the press found out he was having regular contacts with “Hamas “, which controls Gaza and is connected with Iran.
In Oct 2008, buried in the back part of the papers, Iraqi newspapers reported that during
Obama’s visit to Iraq, he asked their leaders to do nothing about the war until after he is elected, and he will “Take care of
Oh, and by the way, remember the college roommates that where born in
They are in charge of all those “small” Internet campaign contributions for Obama.
Where is that money coming from?
The poor and middle class in this country?
 Or could it be from the Middle East?
And the final bit of news.
On September 7, 2008, The Washington Times posted a verbal slip that was made on “This Week” with George Stephanapoulos.
Obama on talking about his religion said, “My Muslim
faith”. When questioned, “he made a mistake”. Some mistake!
All of the above information I got on line.
If you would like to check
it – Wikipedia, encyclopedia,
Barack Obama; Tony Rezko; Valerie Jarrett
Daily Times –
Obama visited Pakistan in 1981; The Washington Times –
September 7, 2008; The Times May 10, 2008.
Today there is a lot of confusion WHY the LA Times will not release a tape that shows Obama and a few
anti-Israel and Palestinian toasting to each  other. 
They say it is to protect the identity of the person who taped it but why can’t they block that person if in fact that person is part of the taping.
AND, why isn’t he telling the Americans about his association to ACORN?
What is this guy hiding?
Do you remember the story of the Trojan Horse? 
Could Obama and his  associates be inside that statue, waiting for election day to come out and
take over our great country?  
 WHO is supporting him and who is REALLY backing Obama?
Now the BIG question – If I found out all this information on my own,
why haven’t all of our “intelligent” members of the press been reporting
A phrase that keeps ringing in my ear – “Beware of the enemy from within.”
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”
IF you do not believe in GOD, you’ll believe anything.

Beware of ‘Major Energy Services’ – Gas Co Door-to-Door Sales Reps LIE to sign up & rip off consumers~! DOUBLE YOUR Bill ‘ccf’s

Beware of Major energy Services – they rip you off 90% on gas utility bills~!


Beware of a utility gas service provider named “Major Energy Services”-

They are Energy Bandits~!

They promise you 40-60% utility reduction at sign up but actually increase your bill by 90% hidden behind levelized billing~! 

Here is their Business Name and Addy so you know who they are: and can avoid them !!
Major Energy Services

100 Dutch hHll Rd Ste 230

Orangesburg, NY 10962

Phone 1-888-625-6760 

Here is how they scammed me~!

He was dressed wearing a yellow hard hat and utility belt and some badge, carrying a clip board, when I  answered the knock at my door, the man was staring at the utility pole as if surveying and then introduced himself as a representative of my utility company and that they were updating records and services and had a survey for me to complete. I began answering his questions, although I was a bit puzzled that a hard…

View original post 1,091 more words

My Art & More ~ Spring Line up ~ New Art & Art Products~!

Jesus Overlooking Jerusalem

Jesus Overlooking Jerusalem


Over 800+ types of items on hundreds of different artworks by many artists~






Click any pic for a closer look~!

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16 x 20 20 x 24
12x 18 Calendars

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