

Pitbull Politics- Trump for ALL Americans


Only hope for America is Jesus

Only hope for President is Donald Trump

He is a patriot, not running as a poilitician but fending them off in every direction.

If we the people elect Donald Trump, the corruption will start to end and the trickle down of integrity will benefit every office and agency that will be able to do their jobs right.

Govt waste will be slashed.

Foreign Govts we support will have to respect US and our values.

We will live once again according the the values our nation was founded upon.

Political Correctness has only been a bully term coined to remove truth & integrity from society. Truth MUST return AND  WE MUST D0 WHAT IS RIGHT.

Fairness to ALL patriotic citizens will be restored.

Subversives will no longer be able to manipulate our laws and good will to try and…

View original post 178 more words

Islamic Terrorism Cell Hit San Bernadino ~ NO TIME FOR TONE – STOP REFUGEES Til Proper Vetting is Fixed

NO TIME FOR TONE~! BIPARTISANS UNITE ~Stop the inflow of terrorism in the USA – With NO real vetting of refugees we need to stop allowing them into the country the way the President is enabling them to do. 

We need the equivilent of an Ellis Island as immigrants first went to when coming to our country. They had to take citizenship classes and had to renounce their home country and pledge their allegiance to America. This was the way it was done and needs to be implemented again. The time of their confinement would enable a new political agency to research them and determine if they would become good citizens and not coming here to be colonists and subversives that will lead others into terroristic actions.

The Govt has gone so liberal and corrupt that the Obama method is merely unleashing anyone calling themselves refugees who have no real documentation or who have false identification that are sneaking into our country as bad or worse than the illegals sneaking in by our southern borders.The enemy has learned our ways and uses our weaknesses and laws against us to occupy and to later take over. We need to stop and re-evaluate  how immigrants are being allowed into our country. Its insane to let enemies infiltrate occupy and then randomly attack and strike fear into the hearts of all Americans.
Donald Trump for President – Stop the influx of terrorism in the USA – Govt has to get act together~!
We are Patriotic American People for Trump

Despite any MSM & political perceived minor or accused shortcomings
I think its time for bipartisan support for Donald J. Trump as a

strong leadership skills needed to restore our nation

brilliant economist.,
tough character,
very smart
learns very fast to be
able to attempt to deal with the darker days ahead
as he seems to have the most
common sense and is the
least apologetic concerning the threats we face as a society and nation.

If America is to survive we need Donald Trump for President Trump to bring back many of the things we lost to other nations and ideologies while America has been sleeping for decades on some matters. He takes the heat when bringing these matter to the forefront in news and politics. While man condemn Trump for saying to Ban Muslims temporarily, he knows better than most that this  is where we need to begin and stop the flow of terrorists into our country waiting to attack anywhere anytime. 

.Featured Image -- 21


Whats so hard to figure out? Terrorism by any name is still terrorism.

We say Caliphate – they say Khalifa  [like saying  tomatoes tomatas]

THEN THE ISLAMIC CULTS~ SEEKING TO BRING ABOUT CALIPHATESancient persian empire turkey syria lebanon israel jordan iraq iran afghanistan pakistan

Islamic based Caliphate Cults however lure, cultivate and breed unlimited offspring of mass murderers ~ seeking out those who possess enough resentment towards society ~ who have the guts to follow through ~

As many sects/cults are destroyed, more and more rise up all led by the same spirit of hate and murder~ all have the same ultimate goal with slight variations on who will be leader.

Modern day youth are very wrestless, disgruntled, bored, angry, lonely and depressed.They lack purpose. Many lack mates and jobs. This makes ISIS very prolific in being another, perhaps the most successful  cult of death, an army of satan infecting every corner of the earth.

ISIS uses people at any and many levels- one type being the religious side of islam~ so some of their members will come in through dreams of redemption or glory for allah while ‘good’ islamics claim no association.

Guess the few that do the killing,  make up for it, as it sure seems muslims do a heck of a lot of killing worldwide with all sorts of alu branding.

Others that join islamic terror groups such as former city gang members or ex-cons from prisons, with a limited conversion seeking redemption or a wife by killing for allah.

Considering workplace violence in gun free zones – most often perpetrated by islamic extremists, shouldn’t Our president resign since this pesky work place violence thingy is proven islamic terrorism – like  Ft Hood ~ in Little Rock in 2009 and Chattanooga 2015 at other gun free zones –

The President didn’t even fly the flag 1/2 mast for the dead Marines at Chattanooga for several days and didn’t do so til there was a media back lash – but the this time at San Bernadino, he is flying 1/2 mast flags over a proven terror event where the terrorists got killed .

Nidal Malik Hasan FTHOOD


In 2009 had Ft Hood not been a gun free zone, our own military casualties could have been avoided and that terrorist military psych could have been killed and others saved~

OBAMA KEEPS Calling it workplace violence- what a slap in the face to America – but the president got away with it then AND AGAIN AND AGAIN…

Kind of like the 2009 Little Rock recruiting office shooting took place on June 1, 2009, when the American Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, born Carlos Leon Bledsoe, opened fire with a rifle in a drive-by shooting on soldiers in front of a United States military recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas. He killed Private William Long and wounded Private Quinton Ezeagwula.

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, Cattanooga shooter

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, Cattanooga shooter

After his arrest, Muhammad acknowledged shooting the men.

He told police that he had intended to kill as many Army personnel as possible.

The Obama administration hasn’t learned anything from the massacres at Fort Hood in 2009 and 2014 or the Washington Navy Yard in 2013 OR HAS HE?

Washington Navy Yard in 2013.

Washington Navy Yard in 2013.Islamic Terrorism nicknamed Work Place Violence



OKC beheader

OKC Beheader Jah’Keem-Yisrael-Alton-Nolen

Once they find they cant climb their ladder of success such as the OKLAHOMA CITY BEHEADER [9-25-2014] who was seeking a wife~found got over 116 new islamic ‘girl’ friends [on Facebook only 2 wks before~he was prompted to kill his coworker in OKC~Guess those virgins are virtual.

Still others still join for love or friendship they haven’t found in society & willingly go over to the ‘dark side‘ for some sort of personal satisfaction or to just ‘belong‘ to a cause even if its a murder cult,

Anyone who is that vulnerable/volatile  who feels like a societal reject in any way is more apt to jump at the chance to join any extremist group simply out of frustration or loneliness. So be nicer to nerds & outcasts~!!

This type is best used for “Lone Wolf attacks” because some of them still wrestle with whats left of their conscience and may need to be prodded along to comply.These are often used earlier on when they are more pliable.

These are the ones that wont be brought overseas to fight ~but used to fight locally and to die along with their victims.

These are the ones that pose a “higher threat level” to every nation
and they are hardest to find and unknown until tragedy strikes. They
often aren’t given any clear association or connection to the cells that may enable them to commit their heinous crimes.

Local recruits for ISIS are at the bottom of their terrorist food chain are the most expendable.Often never meeting anywhere but online and prepped and prompted to strike out anywhere anytime.

The internet is used by all types of people but the “vulnerable” or should we call them the “volatile
are the easiest to cultivate to commit murder impetuously and locally. These are easier to manipulate by promises of sex disguised as love or by loneliness seeking redemption before a god, any god.

Here you will find men/women doing things no one would ever expect
because they are quickly attracted and addicted to their evil girlfriends/boyfirends or wives/husbands.

Some join to kill, others just to get married or for brief companionship, but then become trapped and called to pay the ultimate price – an act of terrorism.

Others once married and with children- like maybe was the case in San Bernadino~ do it thinking its to save their own children ~ as often their heartless spouses will threaten to take away or even kill their children or some other family members if they don’t and go as far as to say if they are in a secret cell ~ that their cell leaders will kill their entire families
~if they won’t go out and kill some innocents for them
as evidenced & documented cases in Africa and other places have said~!

Same tactics would be used here and are kept secret, so we have to be concerned as they can happen anywhere.

Despite the president, MSN & other political talking heads
seeking or finding excuses for the murderers while in effect disrespecting the families of the victims.
[as some are now doing]

So looking a little closer at San Bernadino…..


Farook & Malik Murdered 14 Wounded 17 in San Bernandino

San Bernadino

Wife was radicalizing husband, who was a lonely heart she captured online, but who was a deeply religious islamic.saying “it was the wife”
leading the husband or not –
It really doesnt matter as he chose her and to do what he did.

Men like him are a particular threat to our safety since it broadens the threat to all, changing the known profiles of killers to include any lonely heart guy or in some cases the reverse- women.

What does it matter that Farook used to be a good guy?
He obviously followed his heart and changed .

He killed 17 people and wounded 21.

What matters is this recruiting method.
It is tapping into an unlimited source of many young people who are loners
and it will recruit them and
use them locally when least expected.

Bottom line is like taking a person out of a mental hospital
and giving them a gun and telling them to go kill,

…only we are talking about
people already established in society,working and living among us.

Now its not just the youth but business people and coincidentally well educated people  in some medical related fields.
No one is safe anymore – maybe we never were – but now its worse

So anyone can be a suspect,
Anyone using the internet, not just islamic but anyone, as they will use even those they consider to be infidels to carry out their plots to murder and commit acts of terror.

‘They’ will continue to do this til they can take over even if it takes decades.

They got the “Manipulation of Human Nature” formula down pat and  know how to convert any vulnerable/volatile  weak-minded, disgruntled, dumb ass [Bible called their top ascendant leader, Ishmael a wild donkey <dumb ass> of a man always fighting]

They recruit anyone to do their dirty work.

ISIS leads its <dumb ass> followers into sacrificing all to help bring about the next barbaric bloody caliphate -khalifa which will be a literal hell on earth~!

When one lures a new recruit/member by any means including ‘love’ they gain very intimate control over that person.

In San Bernadino, the isis loving wife may have even used her baby as  bait to get her ‘led-by-the-nose husband’ to do what she said.

Still he knew the difference between right and wrong and he CHOSE her. She chose ISIS.
He chose to participate.


Syed Rizwan Farook 28 US Born Islamic Terrorist Killed 14 Wounded 21 San Bernandino Ca

Even if ambivilent, he still went into his job that day to find the best opportunity~ to set it up for maximum impact –
He chose that Christmas Party to send a double message against Christians and Capitalists. She was set and ready for action.
He went to the party scoped it out~ found the best time to do it ~ got her, went back and did it . They fled.

ISIS Woman - murderer

Tashfeen Malik 30 – Islamic Terrorist Killed 14 Wounded 17 San Bernadino Ca,

People wonder why he did it and how could she do it having a young baby at home. Luring a person by love or sex is a basic cult tactic used for decades or more. Kids are collateral. Hers was to live which to her was more than it deserved.This bewilders the MSM and lefties.Why leave a baby behind? Well it may take a few generations to establish their beloved Khalifa and that baby may be needed to do more terrorism in her early adult days.She was bred for it.

Now Obama is trying to get away with it over San Bernadino but upping his efforts to disarm the rest of America ~ to make it even easier for terrorists to commit their atrocities on innocent people.

God bless the law enforcement that took out the 2 terrorists in San Bernadino. Obama couldn’t save them!

San Bernadino Shootout Isis Wife shot from rear while husband drove. Police were fired upon over 70 times before unloading rounds into the SUV till return fire stopped. Both terrorists were dead at the scene.

San Bernadino Shootout Isis Wife shot from rear while husband drove. Police were fired upon over 70 times before unloading rounds into the SUV till return fire stopped. Both terrorists were dead at the scene.

Obama sent in people from Washington to San Bernadino and also had them take crucial evidence back to Washington ~ which now due to their alleged corruption in DC ~ we may or may never get the detailed truth or find links to other cells that may have had ties to these 2 terrorists.

This couple was obviously an ‘arsenal station’  for others – lone wolves or cells or malcontents – wanting to further the cause of ISIS by supporting ISIS -murdering innocents here in America.

Maybe later on some will be saying shame on the FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation if they failed to obtain any needed evidence in the home of the terrorists.

Many say they were releasing their apt so early made it an open field day for reporters,who now forever destroyed any possible evidence that could lead to any more clues to cells or others involved~! Hope they already got that info and are acting on it but keeping it on the down low til they capture them.


In Palestine women proudly breed babies to place in harms way to get hurt or killed simply for propaganda value against the Jews !
They don’t think like normal people. They are twisted – all of them as far as that goes.Thankfully we are told that most aren’t violent.{?}


Guess the few that do killing,  make up for it, as it sure seems muslims do a heck of a lot of killing worldwide with all sorts of alu branding.

Once they commit to the gal/guy, then they commit to their cause no matter what it is- either a slave or a murderer~.In Africa its widespread.

muslims slaves

Slavery is sanctioned by the Quran. Although the Koran encourages humane treatment [food & beatings] it still accepts slavery over death & they traffic in it still

initiated Islamic slavery by enslaving the women and children of a number of Arabian tribes

 Islamic slavery~ enslaving the women and children of a number of Arabian tribes

Islamic slavery~ enslaving the women and children of a number of Arabian tribes

Now consider the 70s non-muslim cults like Jim Jones, Children of God and even the Halbot Cult etc. [though none of these were ISIS type]

They all used ‘flirty fishing” to lure young lonely hearts, guys/gals, losers ex-cons, mental cases, weak minded, and disgruntled into their ideologies to do their bidding.

With the 70s Jesus Movement, Gurus and Christian Cult Leaders  lured more young and disgruntles who readily followed and exalted  their leaders – however most often members were used for money, willing slave laborers and were nonviolent in nature ~like the Church of Bible Understanding [COBU] who converted its members into a workforce of carpet cleaners who donated their salaries back to their leader Stewart Traill.

Jim Jones cult group became kind of like militant separatists and yet imploded their group down in Guyana with an horrific mass suicide and murder of those who wouldn’t drink the KoolAid ~as they were religiously deluded and controlled.

When Jones thought the govt was closing in, he began to have everyone drink the poison to all die together. Those who refused, were killed.

The Halbot cult-another cult winner~  lured and led their followers into mass suicide based on a comet coming near the earth and thought they’d be beamed aboard by some one like Scotty~!.

Everyone now has to prepare themselves to defend themselves .
The Law Enforcement groups help but are limited, especially as these people/cells blend in among us.

Watch your neighbor.

Balance your paranoia as it rises and it will have to rise somewhat as we are living in an increasingly dangerous world.

Many Separatists have seen it coming as well as conspiracy theorists and they are the ones now best prepared and so it seems some of them at least are not as crazy as some thought.

Emotionally it may be like walking a tight rope or on eggshells from now on unless we find  strong bold leadership that is not corrupted ~who can restore our government and its agencies to stop the corruption that has been allowing our country to be destroyed and disrespected..,


Pitbull Politics- Trump for ALL Americans

Whats so hard to figure out? Our president is flying flags over a terror event where the terrorists got killed this time.

Had Ft Hood not been a gun free zone, our own military casualties could have been avoided and that terrorist military psych could have been killed and others saved~

Calling it workplace violence was a slap in the face to America – but the president got away with it then. Now he is trying to get away with it over San Bernadino and upping his efforts to disarm the rest of America to make it even easier for terrorists to commit their atrocities on innocent people,

God bless the law enforcement that took out the 2 terrorists in San Bernadino.

Obama sent in people from Washington and also had them take evidence back to Washington which now due to their alleged corruption in DC we may never get…

View original post 1,408 more words

Something about Donald Trump Stands Out above the rest of those running for POTUS


Something about Trump stands out to me ~ Below is this letter from Mr.Donald Trump~

Unlike EVERY other candidate, he is not a politician – he’s in it to save America! He doesn’t have that ‘donate’ button – is doing it at his own expense.

Every other political message I have received from many other candidates
ALL ask for money and ALL promise virtually no solutions or plans and have track records showing that career politicians for the most part do nothing and at best most attack others character without addressing the problems our nation faces. None of them offer any viable solutions.

Trump talks about solutions and doing something about the problems.
Anyway so far, he is at the top of my list as someone worth following in this political arena and so far if an election was held now, I would vote for Trump~!

Have a great week 🙂


Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 06:15:59 +1000
Subject: Standing Up for What Is Right

– JULY 08 2015 –


A leader must stand strong, especially when under attack. I am being criticized in the media for speaking out about the dangers of illegal immigration. But many have shown me their support.  Bill O’ReillyRep. Trey GowdyTed Cruz,Ben CarsonAnn Coulter, and Pat Buchanan are some of the most prominent who have commended me for my strength and leadership on this issue.

Others in immigrant communities have praised Trump for pointing out this problem, going so far as to say that assuming Mr. Trump meant his statements negatively towards legal immigrants would be a total disregard for the facts.

With the right leadership, we can Make America Great Again!

Our border is not secure and it is costing us American lives. Just last week an innocent young woman, Kathryn Steinle, was viciously murdered by an illegal immigrant. This SHOULD NOT have happened and was easily preventable. The illegal immigrant who committed this terrible act was previously deported five times. He has even admitted that he crossed into San Francisco because it is a sanctuary city.

Our cities should not be sanctuaries for criminals. We must fix our country’s broken immigration system and not let Kathryn Steinle become part of a larger statistic.

Illegal immigration is a threat to our safety and national security. It also hurts legal immigrants economically.

A nation without borders is a nation that cannot survive. I am a builder, and as President of the United States I will build the wall fast and build it right.

I will continue to be bold in my stance against illegal immigration.

The Establishment and elites are criticizing me because I want a secure border and people entering our country to follow the rule of law. No surprise. They are politicians controlled by big money donors, lobbyists, and special interests. They want amnesty– I will bring jobs back home and strengthen the middle class.

I want to thank the great people of Bedford, New Hampshire for hosting me last Tuesday. I always love visiting the Granite State. We talked about the need for leaderswho can negotiate great deals for the United States. When I spoke to attendees, they told me our country needs a leader who won’t shy away from problems or adversaries.

Meeting great people on the trail in New Hampshire.

You can count on me to tell the truth.

It is time for action and it is time for results!

Our campaign will never stop being bold and unapologetic.

We can Make America Great Again!

With Best Wishes, 

Donald J. Trump 

Forward to a friend

P.S. I will be traveling this week to meet with voters. Follow me on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to keep track of our progress and find events you can join us at!



Subject: Dont Dump on Trump – I support Trump for President


Donald Trump’s freedom of speech expression is being misrepresented by liberal media to cause racial tensions between Latinos who are being lumped together by progressive liberals . Not all Latinos are illegals.There are more law abiding educated legal Latinos that are being insulted as a result of the spin or twist the liberal media has created based on Mr Trumps statement. I want to show support for Mr.Trump

That’s why I created a petition to Donald Trump, Candidate.

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Donald Trump would make the BEST President of the USA has had since Reagan



Mr Trump can provide hope to ALL Americans~

  •  -Rich & Poor
  • -Young & Old,
  • -All Races
  • -Able bodied & Disabled,
  • -Genders
  • -Winners & Losers
  • -Entitled and Unentitled

The Office of President of the USA is the “Executive” Branch of Govt and NEEDS a capable Executive – one that can DO the job.

Many in the media & demlibs say things about him ~ but his own success shows that he is the most capable in our country for this job~!

His talents, efforts and determination outweigh any negatives he opines about and still make him the ideal person to be placed in charge of establishing a Patriotic Cabinet that will run our Nation for the benefit of our Nation,

He is a true Patriot [no one can deny!] and cares about America [ although his interests are global & he has projects going on all over the world ]  and we the people.

He is raw and honest so even if and when he says something that could be considered a gaffe or joke –

remember others have done as much before he ever did! –

He is honest , speaks his mind and is willing  provide the leadership our Nation so desperately needs to succeed and to survive all the damage Obama and some of his predecessors have wrought.

Vote for Donald Trump~!!

Although I’m now a disabled retired American , I worked many years ago on Wall St in Stocks & Import Export companies as well as at the WTC  & in the restaurant industry as well as self employment in art & sign painting and other jobs.

I saw how both good and bad executives handled matters in larger corporations as well as mom and pop companies .

Its time we have a ‘real executive’ in the Executive Branch of Government.

I feel fully confident in the capabilities of Donald Trump to fulfill the executive job as President of the USA better than any other candidate.

The Executive Branch of government NEEDS someone who possesses the best ‘executive skills’ and can demonstrate his executive experience both at home and abroad.

A President needs to know how to effectively negotiate and run his business endeavors to make his company the most successful it can become and meets the needs of his employees and produces the products or the services he provides do what they are represented to do.
When expanded to the political arena, a President as the leader of his country represents his country and must be able to negotiate on the global political arena to do the best for those he represents, as well as be able to manage the course of government and focus on the interests of the people he represents.

More than needing someone who is merely political who would say anything to get elected and then let our nation down, such as Obama who has failed miserably as an executive or CEO of the USA plunging our nation into more incredible debt, weakened our military, failed in foreign policies resulting in the spread of terrorism and reversing military goals previously accomplished and divided our nation at every level imaginable.

We need a President that can negotiate with Foreign powers over trade and political concerns that affect our national interests, not one that sells our nation out to reduce its footprint on the world such as Obama has been doing.

We need a President that can stand up to foreign powers
[ like Reagan did with Russia to tear down the Berlin Wall ]
and who can fully relate to the will of the American people negotiating with all classes and races to address both social and economic issues.

We need a president who has the intelligence and capability of putting together a management level team or “cabinet”  that can effectively run the branch of government he has been entrusted with that includes the military and running of social & educational divisions of government that manage all the different agencies and who can resolve the matters that lead to running our nation more effectively reducing government waste.

We need a President whose actions command respect both globally and nationally who will champion the cause of democracy and the very besis for which America was founded.

We need a President who will not stand down under pressure but who is and will be be prepared in all circumstances to promote and expand the interests & security of the United Stated of America on a global scale.

We need a President that will actively work to promote and increase jobs & job training programs within America, protect its borders, regain control over and enforce immigration regulations, maintain a strong military as its commander in chief and rebuild & upgrade the infrastructure of our nation.

We need a President who can recognize, empathize and realize the needs of his people in all the diverse categories our nation has who can hob nob with the rich and famous, mingle and meet the needs of the middle class, as well as empathize and manage the agencies that can meet the genuine needs of all the dis-enfranchized including the elderly, the disabled, the under-privileged, the poor, so that every level of our society’s citizenship can become able to fit together and function as a the best collective society in the world.

We need a President that can unite our people and bridge the gaps of the racial and class divides.

Donald Trump is such an executive and in touch with all parts of society being a successful builder and a prominent, well known and liked by members of all parts of our society who can do and achieve everything we all need a President to be able to do!


to do his best and am certain that  his best will be best for our Nation~!


Donald Trump is the most qualified potential  candidate who ‘can make our nation great again’~!

Are They Trying to Kill US All?

Are They Trying to Kill US All?. Scary stuff.

Corporate farms contain animals in smaller areas, thus more fecal matter, leading to more  illness and requiring more antibiotics. Well needing the antibiotics to treat  their illnesses isnt the problem but mass medicating them , even those not sick, and then medicating as a preventative and also medicating because for some reason it makes the animals grow bigger faster has become a more profitable approach for corporations BUT its causing people who consume them to develop bacteria that is antibiotic resistent thus not enabling doctors to treat them, causing people to die.

Obama Campaign Soliciting Money from Foreign Supporters over $500M

Soliciting foreign nationals to contribute to his campaign- which is owned by an American ex-patroit now living in China, the Obama sites have more than 43% total traffic which is internationally which is from search engine optimization –

Join his mailing list and his campaign sends out emails and donor solicitation to all , including foreign nationals and that is against law- Even if you are a US citizen in another country –

Obama site doesnt require foreignors [have no credit card credibility] so

If you want to donate you dont need any security CVS code as you would with buying a hoodie or cap… If you go to buy a hoodie you have to provide all the security code information to complete the transaction!! Obama is currently raking in billions from overseas~!

2008 raised $500,000,000 in donations under $200 that doesnt have to report the donors to the Federal Elections Commission..

Obama is circumventing law – being supported by foreignors –

This allow foreign and robo-donations can pound through a computer potentially can get 10s of millions from foreign concerns…its criminal.

systems engineers deconstructed Obama funding apparatius.

Obama currently personally owns 392 domain names!!
[but not ] – Obama campaign denied it,.

An American ex-patriot owns & redirects foreign trafffic to the official Obama relections campaign donate page ~ enabling foreignors in Shanghai & elsewwhere such as the Middle East with help of search engine optimization to reach WorldWide and collect donations from anyone you can imagine~This is illegal!!

Media isnt part of the problem it is the problem as it lets the current administration get away with all this . We need to aggressively pursue this and expose it so people will not vote for Obama…

GO TO there is a 110 page report and analysis for all politicians soliciting illegal donations. If Obama gets re-elected this will still be investigated and is impeachable~!!IT IS TREASONOUS~!

Better to vote for Romney to avoid having Biden as pres after Obama gets prosecuted.

Obama: I was born in Kenya & America is getting increasingly naiive~!

Obama in his early political career, told his supporters he was born in Kenya and both he and his wife talked about Kenya being his homeland and Obama goes on to say the American people are becoming increasingly naiive!

Video clips compiled here into one show the progression of the great deception he has perpetrated on the American public~!
This information and video were suppressed during the last election, although the Kenyan Ambassador was interviewed about Obama, a native born Kenyan having done so well in America~!!

What does this all mean? It means that the agenda of punishing former colonist countries as he considers ours to be, that it isnt that he is inept but he is systematically breaking our country down by over spending and downsizing our military.He has written books about it including ” Dreams of My Father” and “Audacity of Hope” and openly stated he would stand with his muslim brothers, although he claims to be a christian as he was in former muslim turned racist christian anti american preacher Rev Wright and only broke away from Rev Wright [who married him & Michelle and baptised their children] when he rose in power to snatch the presidency under false pretenses.

birth1 birth2 b birth2-Ave birth3 a birth3 b birth3-Ave birth6 birth7 (1) (2014_08_10 17_08_20 UTC) birth7 (1) birth7

It is true that many Americans are naiive and or apathetic about politics and dont recognize there is a wolf in sheeps clothing among us and leading us to the slaughter.


2016 America Wake Up~!!! VOTE FOR TRUMP and lets save America before its too late~!

After much research of news, history, documents and more I have decided its best to vote for ROMNEY-RYAN

Many people want conclusions without details, especially with politics. They dont want to be bothered with details about news, government, world events or anything that doesnt immediately affect the bubble they live in.We live in an entertainment oriented society.

Even TV commercials have to entertain, often with little vignettes that have nothing to do with the product they make but their logo or spokesperson, who usually is an entertainer and not even part of the company or product line they represent. Talk show hosts and the media pushing out their own agendas, subtly brainwashing the public into complacency, while the world turns and churns evolving into a madness driven society.

I have taken time away from ArtRave and began checking out videos of speeches by Romney, Ryan, Obama & Biden, due to the seriousness of the current condition of the United States and its credibility with the world.
I started reading news articles from many online sources, watching TV News channels, switching from station to station getting the gist of each stations take on events and politicians. Obama has more money to spend on TV ads, but brilliantly has them made to smear his opponent having no facts or proof, just smears and spreads lies that many hear on a commercial and form and opinion without knowing the truth~!

Romney having much less money available for commercials, tries to get information out that is critical for people to know but many wont listen. Many do however as recent events after the Presidential Debate has awakened many in America to start paying attention to whats going on in Washington and see that we are like lobsters in a pot on a slow boil, having not felt the consequences yet of our own indifference.

I have gone into blogs from around the world, looking into issues and trying to see how America is viewed by the world.

I have looked into news stories about  the economic crisises of  other nations and see the world economy declining as natural disasters and wars and terrorism increases. Economies are collapsing in some nations, people are rioting, there are food shortages and natural disasters occurring every day.

Civil wars are killing women and children, such as in Syria.

In Pakistan, a young intelligent teenage girl who speaks out wanting to get a better education is shot in the head by terrorists, wanting to suppress childrens rights to a better education perceived as being too western. The world is going haywire and soon it will be happening in our own backyards if we dont stop and find out whats going on and then do something about it~!!

I wanted to see what is likely in store for America in regards to how Obama has been running our country or rather how he has pretended to run our country for the last 4 years. It is frightening~!!

Obama has been following his own agenda, which has been formed in him since his childhood, being surrounded by a family of socialists, communists, racists, islamists, anti-colonialists , radical malcontents, criminals and many dissidents. He was so unknown to our country when he rose to favor and became president. It was unprecedented how he arrived in the White House, having limited political experience but alot of behind the scenes supporters with alot of money that jettisoned him into the White House primarily as a new hope, a change and one who would improve the United States, but his idea of improvements is actually to bring America to its knees as he sees our passed colonialism and developing of underdeveloped nations as  something we should be punished for~!

He said in August – You didnt build that~!! In relation to people building their own businesses. He meant it~!! He believes that everything we have stems from us supposedly exploiting nations in Africa. He fails to see that the condition of those people were far worse before England or we had invested in them.

The same with the Arab nations oil industry. It was the UK and the USA that built up their oil businesses  on leases and established trade agreements that enabled those countries to trade their one valuable commodity – oil – for the things they needed like industry, agriculture, education, things they never developed on their own as Europeans progressed into modern times by their own hard work and efforts. It was their own warlords that assassinate one another to grab power and only their own elite enjoy prosperity while the people still live in squalor~!

Meanwhile for millenia African leadership was left to the toughest and most barbaric with slash and burn way of life and selling those they conquered into slavery worldwide with traders who came to trade for natural resources. People like to forget how African slavery got started and why, but like to just pick a point in time and blame the world for what they themselves began and  cultivated. Why didn’t they develop and learn on their own as other people around the world did? Why does that incur  European and American responsibility?

Nevertheless Obama has this ideology about  shrinking the footprint of the USA and the UK around the world and one of the first things he did as president was to return the bust of Winston Churchill to the UK  which was a most insulting thing to do internationally!

Later after kissing butt to Arab nations, he apologized for America – and denounced the youtube trailer for Innocence of Muslims, , rather than calling for condemnation of the attack on Benghazi~

In a 2009 address in Egypt,  Obama gave a kiss butt pro-islamic speech apologizing for America interfering in their countries~which was unwarranted and basically treasonous in intent. He said Islamic countries were too often treated as proxies  leading many muslims feeling the west as hostile, He mentioned 9/11 about extremists causing the hostilities between west and islam. He wants to help them to seek prosperity and make a new beginning between islam and America and need not be in competition and share  common interest in tolerance, dignity in human beings. . He sought to create a new playing field where he was submitting  America to people who practice rage and barbarism.He openly wants to say there is a sustained effort  to seek common ground and quotes from the ‘holy koran’ and that he claimed to be wanting to speak humble truth to the islamics – based on his roots as a muslim and spending time as a boy in Indonesia and worked in Chicago with muslims and as a student of history recognizes a debt to islam and European enlightenment  based on Islamic sciences and culture, poetry,music, calligraphy and peaceful contemplation and racial equality..Listen to the video to hear the rest as he claimed Morrocco was the first nation to recognize the USA.He claimed American Muslims have enriched the USA.He claimed that Thomas Jefferson had a koran… He promises to fight against negative islamic stereotypes wherever they appear, but wants muslims to change their perceptions of America.He said that America is great as a man named Barack Hussein Obama can rise to being president of the USA.Pres Obama saw the need to have America acknowledge & pay reparation to blacks for the slavery in the USA but neglects Egypts debt to Israel when it enslaved Israel for 400 yrs to build their great monuments. Israeli homeland was stolen from them so granting them back their homeland was the right thing for the world to do since he made issue of USA slavery he should have reminded Egypt of the 400 yrs they held all of the Isaelis in slavery after Joseph saved Egypt during their 7 yrs of famine~Listen to the entire speech on youtube.

Yes I have been very busy for the last few months researching ALOT about these matters. I then started to check into Obamacare – 2700 pages~!! There are all sorts of little time bomb loopholes that initally will be invisible to the public as far as programs go, but just when we should be getting settled into it, then the other rules start coming into place, ones that will corrupt and bankrupt our government, collapse the medical field industry as it will cause many college students who would have become doctors to choose other careers and the shortage of doctors will greatly increase, placing great burdens on those still working in the medical field.

Muslims dont have to participate in Obamacare and will no be fined as Christians and Jews and others will be.

This will cause the quality of care to become worse than it is now and also will cause people to die that while they have the so-called insurances required by law, will find getting appointments and or approval for care needed to be delayed longer and longer. Money will be taken out of the Social Security Administration and Medicare and used like a Ponzi scheme paying then due bills while still increasing our national deficit and debt [ providing we last that long~!] Its not based on viable economics and will further break down the infrastructure of America.Why so many have jumped on his bandwagon is disheartening.Thank God its not the majority – at least yet.

We still have time to turn things around and get America back on track but need someone who is brilliant and versatile  yet most of all that loves America and wants to serve it rather than being like the naked emperor needing new cloths that was surrounded by yes men..So we dont even know for sure how much the government has been run by incompetence  or deliberately. Either way, Benghazi shows us that its wake up time- time to get a commander in chief that wont do coverups and wont enable nations that hate us to overcome us.We need  to remove Obama from office, despite his popularity among the shallow entertainment oriented part of our society. WE got to out the brakes on spending as out economy is currently spinning out of control and heading for collapse.

Obama has wit, charm and charisma. He has many people following him simply because they like him and consider him to be like them and know their needs. Obama is still a schemer~!! Our society has become so entertainment oriented and short sighted that we as a nation prefer to be entertained and not have to deal with details about news domestic and world issues.We rather see a tweet that everything is going to be all right – even if it isnt. Many rather believe lies and make decisions on who runs our government based not on their qualifications as much as how much they can entertain us~!!

Delusion and fantasy have replaced truth and reality.

America has been lulled to sleep over this passed decade~!

Most people, especially young voting age adults, are done mourning 9/11/2001 and are tired of wars & terrorist attacks.

Many people slink back down to their every day lives and live in their own little bubbles and make decisions based on their own conveniences and inconveniences.

Many people have become lack luster and apathetic, having no confidence in politics or politicians and wont even hear what is being said~!!

Many wont keep abreast of the news and current events or plan for their futures and the future of our nation. Many dont vote and dont even know who their politicians are!

Many wont bother to watch a Presidential Debates  because they are 90 minutes long and rather watch a movie or sport event. Many dont know that while they still enjoy the freedom to be apathetic and  non-concerned that soon it will concern them and yet be too late~!!

Obama failed in leading our nation.Whether deliberate or not, he has set us on a course for our self destruction! He tried his hand at foreign policy which has failed miserably and caused another 9/11  terrorist attack! He , his cabinet, his state dept, his ambassadors, his Secretary of  State, Hillary Clinton are complicite in the deaths of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith,Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.
On Oct 15th after conflicting testimony on how Benghazi attack could have occurred, Hillary Clinton has decided to come clean partially~ She claims responsibility [whih is true] but hasnt  elaborated  concerning on  her remarks about Qadaffi’s death last year when she was caught gloating on TV sayig “We came We Saw He Died” and laughing about it as other videos surfaced showing how Qadaffi was dragged through the streets, humiliated, raped and then viciously murdered by the crowd like a pack of wild dogs.

Now about a  year later, our Ambassador Stevens, who informed the State Department of the need for more security as he feared for his life, was denied by the  State Dept and led up to the attack and him being dragged, humiliated, raped and viciously killed like Qadaffi was~!! Clintons partial admission has been made for political reasons as she said she didnt want to make a gotcha before the next Presidential Debate scheduled for Oct 16. Many Obama supporters downplayed the deaths of our 4 Americans and even blamed Republicans for making it into an issue~!! This is reprehensible that they downplay the deaths of our embassy staff as they rather continue believing the lies and Obama. Sharp media critics  of liberal Obama support are running with it to say it was all Romney;s fault for calling the attack what it was – an act of terrorism.

Despite Clinton’s partial admission of responsibility,,0,2324766.story  the President is ultimately responsible as he is the commander in chief and he picked his cabinet and is supposed to be in charge. He has picked other i9ncompetents to run key areas of  government, such as

 Atty General Holder , doesnt even know Constitutional Law and wanted to give terrorists at Gitmo  constitutional citizens rights for trial   [which has never been done for war suspects] and couldnt even answer the committee with points of law to back up his decisions – so another incompetent in office and many more incompetents working closely with the president. This gross ignorance of US Law,  incompetence which has been sloping down to a pro-islamic agenda defies the Constitution of the USA and potentially takes away the freedoms we are currently guaranteed.

While no one wants to limit free speech and freedom of religion, when an ideology masks itself as a religion to gain power under that and wants to behave like Nazis and openly admit wanting to take over the world, destroy Israel, convert or force non muslims into servitude and perpetuate terroristic attacks and kill people~ well that can not then be addressed as a religion rather as a political force that poses a global threat. Religious muslims that are not into the ideology of world domination that aren’t aiding or supporting the terrorists have long been victimized and sacrificed by terrorists which has intimidated many into compliance with Sharia Law, even when they want their freedom.
AMERICA WAKE UP~! As the world comes tumbling down around us, we are not immune~! Its coming our way & we have ignored the warnings~

Now before it is too late to restrengthen and redeem America, we need to take decisive action and start by changing the leader of our country to one who is more capable of handling our economy and knowledgeable enough and cares enough to actually take the job seriously.The one currently in office has been playing president for 4 years and has been compared to Nero fiddling while Rome Burned~!!

Our kids no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance  in school~! This is a big deal~!!

Why arent parents screaming at legislators to keep our patriotic foundation important?? Why have laws been passed that circumvented the normal procedure that has endured for over 200 years.

Our Constitution has been getting circumvented more and more over the last 4 years and those who see it and know the ramifications are being ignored or mocked, while our rights are being redefined into ones that will plunge us into a 3rd world status in only a few more years.

Our Flag has been a symbol of our freedom and yet it is now  disrepected world wide, starting with Obama himself continually disrespecting it~! How did he get elected last time???$500Billion from Arab nations helped get him elected and this time they have invested over $100Billion~! Why do they want him as our president? He sides with his muslim  brothers, snubs Israel and makes behind the scenes trade offs

I have posted many newsclips about Benghazi, Election & Debates, looking at docs,history,news .

I have posted them as I found them and you can see them by going to my Face Book Page :

The only sensible and clear conclusion is Romney is better qualified to be President & Ryan might make the best VP ever~!

We are in for difficult economics & world issues ahead.We need a leader that is focused & knowledgeable, one that can put together a super Cabinet to handle all the issues

Our country is going to be facing Obamacare is 2700 pages filled with time bomb loopholes that will be devastating to all. It is not the answer we need.
Dont be fooled by any more of Obama’s false promises or his false accusations about Romney~!! Romney has a plan that is most likely to succeed and recharge our economy.
Poor people should be more afraid to vote for Obama rather than thinking he is providing for them. He is NOT~! He just likes to take credit for immediate forms of relief some have enjoyed like the auto industry, but even they are once again in trouble.America needs to go back to our roots, our values, our constitution.
Congressmen & Senators need term limits and we need a balanced budget. It has not had one for 3 years in a row~ Every one the Congress has passed has been shot down by the Senate.
Obama wants to weaken our military and reduce our nuclear arsenal to level the global playing field~ That will have catastrophic consequences for all the world since its out might that keeps many nations from crossing the line into wars. I realize we are tired of war, but that wont make it go away. If we disarm, we will be overtaken! Best deterrent to war is a stronger more capable military.
Fiscal Cliff is coming that can break our economy.That will have direct impact on each of us! Better alternative to fiscal collapse is to make govt more efficient, revamp the current programs, so it wont cost taxpayers so much to provide entitlements.
More tax money  is spent on administering benefits than actually reach those in need. Many in need that are healthy enough to work and want to work, cant find jobs. Natl avg says around 8% but regional avg’s are higher.
Training Programs and works programs need to be established to help many to reach successful employment,America will be stronger when confidence in the White House is restored, so that businesses will want to invest in America and bring manufacturing back here~! You cant blame investors for going to other countries to develop their products if they know Obama wants to tax the heck out of them!! Wall St CEOs are slowing down on investing and hiring because they aren’t sure what Obamacare and his Fiscal Cliff will yield in Jan 2013.
Many countries base their own economies off the strength of the US Dollar- We need to make it worth a dollar again.Currently the dollar is getting more and more inflated where it can actually end up costing $100 for a loaf of bread in the near future, as mentioned by Donald Trump last week. He is a patriot & a smart business man , like Romney and it will take Romney & people like him to help save the economy along with the people of the United States.
Obama has a long time grudge against the UK & the USA over past ‘colonialism’ . Obama is pro-socialism, pro-communisim, pro-islamic pro-racist by his own admission in articles , books he has published, speeches he has made in the past and by criminal affiliations he has made and incompetent people he has placed in his Cabinet!! Obama is bankrupting our country.We need to get him out of office~
PLEASE, If you are patriotic and loyal to our country and  If you love your freedom and want more TRUTH and HONOR from our PRESIDENT, then VOTE for ROMNEY & RYAN~!!!

Check out Ted Cruz Blog, Vote for Romney and Ryan~!

Obama has to go~! We need ‘change’.

Abortion is a Hate Crime ~!

It doesn’t matter that Romney is rich~ Come on ~!!!

Obama’s funding comes from the Arab nations that are trying to ‘change’ America to suit their agenda and Obama is enabling them.

Obama’s cabinet is a joke – a sick joke… Atty Genl doesn’t know law, but breaks it….
Plain and simple – America would do ‘better’ with Romney & Ryan~!!
Ted Cruz is working to get Obamacare repealed.

It needs to be repealed~!! So hard getting health care now the way it is!
Delays are causing elderly & disabled to suffer and some are dying from not getting the care they need in a timely fashion due to all the bureaucratic red tape~!!

Welfare & Medicaid do need to be reformed. The administration of it needs to be overhauled and streamlined which will save taxpayers billions~!
Commonsense approaches would help the poor and the middle class without driving away our country’s rich~!

We need the rich to feel safe about investing in our country~! We have to work together to foster entrepreneurs as many new ‘investors’ to get their businesses going.

If we cultivate tax base to encourage the rich to invest in American jobs, we can rise again out of this recession!

Vote for Romney and Ryan

Vote Romney Ryan Ted Cruz Repeal Obamacare

How easy is it for a military strategist to kill and get away with it?


Although I am not afraid of any personal liability in this matter, because the investigation is technically still ‘open’, I have changed the name of the person I believe is guilty of this crime….


BEVERLY is a fictitious name and the military branch she belongs to has been generically changed to MILITARY and her deployment location was changed to not indicate where she was deployed to when overseas as well as the other overseas  military place she was at with Jim [ whose name she changed while they were legally married!]  Other names are merely first names and last names have been omitted.

IF BEVERLY is ever prosecuted successfully, I will then reveal all the names involved here…but she planned it so carefully, patiently over a course of 5 years that it is likely she will never be brought to justice~! Basically she already got away with it~!

Well things have been upsetting so far.

No progress as the case is going no where.She even wrote a book on manipulative strategies on controlling people when she was a captain in the military back in the 90’s… planned murder was an experiment for her to use her theories and put them in motion with someone she thought didnt matter.

The DA has a 100% conviction rating, which means short of a confession, he wont even file any charges against Jim’s internet MILITARY wife! She  managed to talk her way out of being held accountable~!

So the lesson to be learned here is that  if you want to kill someone, do it in Alexandria Virginia and you will most likely get away with it. as long as you are patient and document it to look innocent! Be sure to plan it out thoroughly  before picking your victim~

Jim met her over 5 yrs ago on the internet on a chat site.

He was recently divorced, out of work on disability and living alone in senior citizen housing.  He had been an alcoholic and was on a DUI probation. She offered to even pay off his fines and clear the decks for him to eventually join her on her ‘web’…

He was a perfect candidate for this Pentagon Predator , who hated her own father for molesting her as a teen causing her to live on the streets before joining the military.

She purposefully sought out someone on the internet,  she thought no one would care about as she was in her mid 40’s single and probably a dyke. Don’t ask, don’t tell!!!

She said she  wanted to change her name to make her look like a normal married woman,  so she told Jim and that she would pay him to be her internet husband~!

At  first, he didn’t even have to live with her, just go to a JP and she would pay him.. So he did, even though she already beat him up once when visiting him , leaving him with a broken collar bone. She later bought him some gifts and gave him some more money, so he never pressed  charges, since she was his benefactor.

10 months later she convinced him she would give him more money IF he would join her, so he did. That was the beginning of the end for him.

He then suffered more spousal abuse from her and his pride caused him to suffer in secret, til he began telling his kids about it a few years ago.

Society looks at domestic violence as a man abusing a woman. When it is the other way around, most law enforcement agencies don’t take it seriously and look down on the abused man – so much that most won’t report it or admit it…They just suffer it..

Other men will say they deserve it if they let a woman get over on them like that! Most men are embarrassed and ashamed and live depressed isolated lives til their abusers finish them off!



In recent times it has become more fashionable for women to kill their husbands ~ even more so to marry old men for a few years and insure them, and cause them to have an accident or aggravate their medical conditions to cause them to die prematurely..Then these merry widows cry all the way to the bank! Most get away with it.

Last year however I heard on the news in California how 2 women were successfully prosecuted for this scam and caused their unwitting husbands deaths…

For the last 2 yrs of his life, “JIM”  sought a way be free from and to divorce this sociopathic woman and find some peace in his old age, but that wasnt to be had.

Usually it is women that are victims of domestic violence and many stay in abusive marriages because they are financially dependent on their abusers, as Jim now was!

Jim finally got the nerve up to consider seeking a divorce or at least a legal separation. He needed his medical insurance however for his diabetic supplies and doctor’s visits.

Jim had his daughter, look up Virginia divorce law for him and started saving every email his internet bride sent him, that would show the kind of mental abuse she was putting him through.

His daughter said that even if he didnt want to get the divorce, that he could live with her and her husband at their military base in California as his TRICARE would be acceptable there as well and he could get the now needed medical treatments he desired.

After 5 yrs of marriage to this woman who hated and abused him privately, but socially looked clean and innocent to others.

Then his diabetes got worse and he was going into renal failure since last July08 and  BEVERLY kept him a virtual emotional prisoner in their apt.

This way she didnt have to worry about any divorce settlement and wouldn’t be stuck supporting him if he left to live with his daughter.

She wouldn’t even leave him cabfare to go anywhere as he got dizzy often and had swollen legs ,so he couldnt walk far, unassisted, so he couldn’t go to doctors, unless she brought him. She openly told family members that  she was refusing to bring him anymore doctor’s appointments!

They had been talking divorce for over several months prior to his last illness and he asked for a settlement to leave her and she said she would see him dead before ever giving him a penny.She meant every word!

When she was deploying for 6 months to WARZONE  in July 2007  for 6 months, almost a year prior to the onset of his kidney disease.

They signed mutual Wills in which he only read the clause she had pointed out that said his kids would get whatever he was entitled to as well as his personal effects. He didnt read the other parts that basically negated that.

He said didn’t read til after she left for overseas duty, that the kids only get something, if she died over there, that he would become her heir, so he signed everything.

He got mad later on after reading the fine print realizing he was being deceived and started talking divorce via phone and email to her and it was decided they would wait til she returned but she made it clear she wanted nothing more to do with him and she was finished with him.

Her net worth was over a Million dollars due to her skills in investment and her tightwad spending habits and his own life insurance policies totalled over $100,000- She made over $100,000 a year and never bought a house and saved most of her money.

She had an investment portfolio for her retirement and as she nears her retirement, she was now ready to rid herself of the man she lured on the internet to become another of her investments, whose return was his life insurance. Before marrying him, she baited him with saying 1/2 of all she had would be his as well![like hell~!]

She tricked him into agreeing and signing all her papers, since she was going to a secure base as an administrator and was never to see any combat anyway.

He mused about being her benficiary but prayed for her safe return. Although she had once broke his collar bone and hit him other times, he didn’t think she would actually kill him, so gambled his time with her and remained in that abusive relationship in quiet desperation biding his time.

Her plan was set in motion even back then!

She found an old man in a chat room, lured him in to become her dependent, a way to vicariously punish her own father whom she claimed had sexually abused her as a teen and whose mother didn’t believe her and kicked her out at 16 yrs old.

She had mental problems and became sociopathic!

She wanted her parents acceptance but also revenge, vicariously through punishing and killing another old man.

She would  get even with her abusive father, by taking it out on Jim, the substitute whipping boy!

All she had to do was wait him out, when he developed the kidney failure, not obtain any dialysis or medical treatments for him and he was doomed to die within 3-6 months.

When we offered to take him for treatment she told us okay but told him she would sue him for abandoment and that he would get nothing from her unless he agreed to stay and not involve his family anymore.

He finally was going to accept our help when he began to feel sick, but then she pushed his death up sooner by harming him in ways that didnt show readily on autopsy and fell within the prognosis of her doctors, whom he said he didnt trust.

She refused to bring him to any more doctors for treatment after he went for a second opinion last August to our doctor. He was told to go over to the hospital up here for labs and return the next morning to our doctor but she didnt bring him for the labs and took him back to Virginia to die a slow painful death since she documented he would die within 6 months without dialysis and said he didnt want to return to her doctors, so they verified that.

She also made a staged  memorable commotion at her doctor’s office last July, pretending to plead with Jim to get the dialysis right away, while letting him know how he was going to be at her mercy from then on.

She then stalled his other future  medical treatments by cancelling appts and telling them, he didnt want to go even though he kept asking to go to the doctors.

She told me by phone that she didnt have time to take him to doctors as she had to work, so I offered back in Nov2008 to help out.

She said he would have to decide and he later told me that she would cut  him off if he had us help him and he knew we couldnt afford to support him, so he was stuck at her mercy and whim.

Then when Katy decided to fly in from California to take him out of there and move him to her place, BEVERLY pretended she was getting him help so she would look like a dutiful wife and got a hospital bed the day before he died,pictures show she must have beat him up and confined him.

Since Christmas, he told us he wanted to get the dialysis right and James even offered him a kidney in early January and called our doctor who said it was still possible as he was allowed to go onto the kidney transplant list up to age 70, but BEVERLY had lied and told him that the cutoff was 60 and that it was too late for him and that he was soon going to be with Jesus, sarcastically.

I have phone records of over 120 calls he made to us here that he discussed what she was up to and warned us that if anything happened to have it investigated. I told him that anytime he wanted to bail out of there, that we were 5 hours away and would get him out fast, but apparently not fast enough.

He was walking and talking on Mon 1/26 and Katy told him she was flying in on Fri 1/30 to get him. Up til then he had been sleeping on a floor like a dog as BEVERLY and him had been fighting since she was in  WARZONE and more once she returned.

She is a cold blooded narcissist that claims she was molested by her father when she was a teen and her mother kicked her out to the streets. She must have been sociopathic even back then and perhaps her own mother recognized that in her when she kicked her out!

She finished school and joined the MILITARY and was married briefly 2 other times and when she met Jim online , he was 60 and she was about 40.

She talked him into getting married, saying she only wanted to change her name and paid him $50 a day to do so initially, until she conned him into going to OVERSEAS ISLAND  and began the abuse and mind games.

His diabetes had caused him to totally stop drinking and he was into health foods and when they returned they lived in Alexandria Va.

Since she was out most of the time, he took care of her cats and had his own computer, electronics and was basically kept never having to go out as all his food was delivered in . He found life tolerable while she was away.

She received an allotment of spousal support from the military for him, so he became her dependent which was what she had offered him in the beginning, but she cut off giving any money once he moved in with her.

Then he was stuck on her spider’s web with her, as his SSI was cut off and she discarded most of his belongings,including his furniture, so he had no way to start over without help.

They gave some of his things to James who was always ready to let him come and live with him, but James moved in with me and so Jim didnt want to cause any more problems so he chose to stay with BEVERLY for the time being until Katy said he could live with them.

BEVERLY abused him and even beat him up occasionally, [april 2003 she broke his collar bone and gave him a black eye!] but he wouldn’t call police, as he was too embarrassed and getting weaker, so he told Katy more about what BEVERLY was doing so Katy looked up Virginia divorce law and when

BEVERLY hacked his email, she read about their plan to take him to California for treatment and to live at Camp Pendleton with Katy and her husband David & their baby.

BEVERLY deleted all his files holding the emails where she made threats against him that he was saving for a divorce lawyer to look at. She was good at hacking into other people’s email. She also changed computers annually so that hard drives were lost, always deleting or erasing his life as they went along. She also refused to call him by his real name and called him Patrick instead….

One of those emails however he sent to Katy and she has forwarded it to me to send to the Alexandria Police Dept along with the phone records, story and photos of his death.

Katy said she had the time and they had medical facilities out there that his Tricare card would be accepted for treatment.

BEVERLY knew Katy was coming so she then hired a hospice to come in to attend his death. In Virginia, if a person is under hospice care, the police do not have to be notified when they die~ another part of her plan.

BEVERLY told Katy after he died that he didnt like the hospital bed that was delivered on Tues 1/27 and that she was up all night with him as he struggled to get out of the bed and apt., so that she had to take away the electronic bed controls, put up the guard rails and even barricade furniture all around it and block the door so he wouldn’t go out!

Why, we can ask and we believe he was trying to get away from her!

He told me a while back if anything went wrong [like if she was trying to kill him] he would do whatever it takes to get the hell out of there and to a hospital. She wasnt letting him do that as she had too much to lose had he lived and separated from her.

She would have had to pay his support had he gone to Katy’s.

When the hospice arrived next morningTues 1/27, for the first and last time, he was already semi comatose from his night’s ordeal and since they hadnt met him before thought it was the natural progression of his kidney disease and one hour later he was dead.

BEVERLY[his wife] took before and after pics of his death.

She told Katy he didnt want his oxygen, but he told Katy on Monday he was asking for oxygen as he ate alot of cough drops and was having a harder time breathing as he was swollen and scared that BEVERLY was up to something.

In the pictures taken by BEVERLY, before and after, his nose was swollen and bloody which raised alarms in us, as we could also see that his right hand knuckles were bruised or scuffed and bloodied and his arms above the elbows were bruised in a matching pattern.

It looked as though she might have even sat on his chest, pinning him down maybe to shove a pillow over his face and maybe her palm into his nose thus flattening it, depriving him of needed oxygen long enough to make him semi comatose.

He was wiped clean but had some blood showing still when the photos were enlarged!

He must have had quite a nose bleed, as one ear shows it was wiped, but not all blood removed,as did his nostrils and mustache had blood on them.

BEVERLYmay have  made a mistake of using a high resolution camera that when enlarged showed those details.

On the other hand, it may have been her way of bragging  about what she did, feeling confident that she had enough documentation in place to remove any suspicions the authorities may have had.

If he had been in such bad shape with his kidney failure, he couldn’t have struggled as much as she claimed,  and wouldn’t have needed to have been restrained. How could he have gotten out of bed anyway? Why was he trying to leave? He already said he was afraid of her!

Why didn’t she call an ambulance and let him go to the ER for his nose bleed or — how novel– if he was dying ??

WE believe his kidney failure wasn’t necessarily as  accute yet, since he often fooled his doctors in the past with higher than normal numbers in his bloodwork.

We believe his nosebleed was deliberate and keeping his bed lowered and depriving him of oxygen, lowering the back of his hospital bed & restraining him,  caused his Congestive Heart Failure to worsen and that contibuted significantly to  his sudden death.

I even told BEVERLY that in November when she said he would be dying soon  that he always had higher stats in his blood work for many years that baffled doctors.

I offered her back then to help and she said I could take him away but then she told him that if he left, she would stop his support.

He was also missing his frontal lobe from his car accident many years ago and had a big cyst in his forehead where his frontal sinuses were so instinctively always protected his face!

Why did she barricade him & terrorize him & restrain him with such force as to bruise him?

The Insurance policy making her sole beneficiary for $100,000 was motive enough~

She also had his back of the bed lowered with no pillows, so with congestive heart failure, he would have had a hard time breathing and that would have stressed his heart more. [I have congestive heart failure and can not lay flat without a drowning feeling of suffocation~]

Anyway, BEVERLY told Katy & me that the hospice worker asked if he wanted to make any last calls, but said that he didnt want to talk to any of his kids, but in the pictures it shows the phone and internet were out of reach as well as the controls of the hospital bed and that the Oxygen was also out of reach.

Jim talked with us all , every day when she was at work~ and if he was really dying , that he would have at least have wanted to have been on the phone with his beloved daughter, Katy,  til his dying breath!

Katy talked to her fatehr 2-3 times every day up til Mon 1/26.

Karen sent the hospice worker’s phone number to Katy and she gave it to me and I called and asked the woman how he died.

The hospice worker told me he was laying still when she arrived, with his eyes open and never said a single word to her!

That meant BEVERLY lied about him saying ‘ No ‘ to the worker about making phone calls.

BEVERLY made the hospice think she cared about Jim but needed his body removed immediately without the police being notified. Again no red flags?

The other hospice worker also ‘forged ‘the death certificate~ enabling his body to be removed without police notification, delivering it to the funeral parlor.BEVERLY also changed his clothes only a minute after his death..

Why we ask?

She then took more pictures of him and emailed them to Katy so she wouldn’t fly out on Fri 1/30~ The body was removed without any authority notifications. Reason enough wouldn’t you agree, if you planned on killing someone that is ~ ?

So just hire a hospice when you want to kill someone and make it look natural~!! They can help you get rid of the body, no questions asked…

The funeral director was told he had no family and that there were to be no announcements and that she wanted him cremated ASAP.

When I called the funeral director to ask if they had him there [ I called 8 funeral parlors looking for him] I was told my timing was odd as she was sitting before him when I called so he asked to call me back and he did.He said their was no viewing but we said we wanted to see him and were coming down there.

The only thing holding up the cremation, was that the death certificate was improperly signed by the hospice worker and not a doctor, so it had to be re-written and the hospice then had their on-call doctor sign th new cert based on his last doctor’s appt last July~ It was part of the plan as it enabled the body to be removed from the apt.

I brought James & Kyle and Jim’s sisters Kathleen and Dorothy to the funeral parlor on Mon 2/2 and they agreed his nose looked broken but that he arrived that way, so we notified police and had the DA go get the body for autopsy under suspicion of foul play.

Since he had many chronic medical problems which baffled doctors all his life and he was diseased, their autopsy showed no obvious foul play to cause his death.

His injuries could have been accidentally self inflicted.[???] Any explanation was acceptable to the police, since BEVERLY admitted nothing and had documents showing he would die without treatment and her claims that he didn’t want treatment!

They said the nose wasnt actually broken [even though the cartlidge was separated from his nose bone and it was twisted! They did toxocologies that will determine which organs failed first, but nothing is enough to charge BEVERLY with any wrong doing without witnesses.

We wanted to visit Jim numerous times over the last six months, but he always said that BEVERLY was giving him a hard time and that he didnt want to make waves. He didnt count on her getting violent with him, as she must have the night before he died. I think he thought he could get away if it got that dangerous, never expecting to be barricaded in a room in a hospital bed, unable to escape!

When his phone didnt answer on Tue 1/27, Katy became alarmed, as her last call was Mon 1/26 when he said he was afraid of BEVERLY and that she was up to something and that waiting for Fri 1/30 when Katy was coming was like playing ‘Beat the Clock’.

He had asked Katy that when she came that he wanted her to take him to the hospital to get his dialysis started, since BEVERLY wouldnt take him. Katy agreed to do so.

Jim said he couldnt speak or say what he wanted in front of Karen as she intimidated him . He hoped she would leave him alone long enough with the hospice workers when they were to come, so he would ask them to take him to the hospital.

He never got that chance as BEVERLY took off work and did all the talking for him to them.

Katy called me and James to go get him Tues 1/27 night but it was snowing heavily and the weather forecast said it was going to snow all day Weds 1/28 so we decided to go Thurs 1/29 to get him to a hospital, as Katy couldnt get there before Fri 1/30.

WE planned on getting him to an ER in Alexandria and that as soon as he could travel to bring him up here for initial treatment and then have him fly back to California with Katy when he was able.Katy was then going to change her flight to here.

Weds 1/28 his cell phone called me and I answered and it was BEVERLY telling me he was dead and that we didnt need to come for him! I told her we were coming on Thursday and she said she ‘knew’…She also called Katy, sent her email pictures and told her disturbing details.

I notified his family and they said they hadnt talked to him since Christmas and they wanted to see his body for closure,so I picked them up in Phili and we all went down to the funeral parlor for a private viewing where we saw it was obvious to us she had done something to him but he was scheduled for cremation the next day, so we had a hard time getting that stopped and told them what we suspected and that it would look almost natural since he did have kidney disease but we suspected she had partially suffocated him and that he cut his knuckles trying to defend himself.

We told the Police of the blood in his nostrils and his nose being flattened out looking like it was broken.

In the very least, it was long term elder abuse and neglect on BEVERLY’s part, in facilitating his death for the insurance policy.

She planned it all out very well and who knows who, she may have paid off, since she is a high up in the Pentagon~ a LT Col in the MILITARY in their xxxx  dept.

By him not getting treatment, he died far sooner than he would have naturally and she gets $100,000 for it, so had no reason to prolong his life since they couldnt stand each other!

I warned him 6 years ago that she was dangerous and he was a fool to trust her, but he thought he had it under control. I even told him never to let her insure him as she would probably kill him…because here she was a professional, successful  and 20 yrs younger than he. It made no sense she would want to marry such a poor old man from the internet.

Now it actually happened and she is getting away with it!

That prevents us from having any closure.

It nags at us, while she- the merry widow cries all the way to the bank! I wish had it had to happen that it would have happened in NYC ,where something more would have been done about it by the police.

The Alexandria Police seemed to have been dragging their heels when they heard she was a Lt.Col and he was socially a nobody. So ‘nobody’ deserves justice?

Our children and his sisters call me crying and demanding we do something but what can we do? I am only the former wife who divorced him and even took him to the plane when he went to live with BEVERLY 10 months after they were married on paper… he said he was going there to get an annulment but never returned.

She was a black widow and he got bit and devoured.

Who cares? Can it happen to anyone else??……..

She isolated him for the last 5 yrs from his family. She demeaned and persecuted him and only allowed him to visit his daughter once and sons 3 times. He leaves behind 5 children and 11 grandchildren , 2 sisters , a brother, his former wife and friend and other relatives. They cared and want justice for what happened to him, but in Alexandria Virginia, that may never happen..


Here are some new facts I received concerning some of Obama’s background.

It makes alot of sense to be more suspicious~!It is long but you really ought to read it!


This election has me very worried. So many things to consider.

I watch all the news channels, jumping from one to another. I must say
this drives my husband crazy. But, I feel if you view MSNBC, CNN, and
Fox News, you might get some middle ground to work with. About six
months ago, I started thinking— “where did the money come from for
Obama”. I have four daughters who went to College, and we were middle
class, and money was tight. We (including my girls) worked hard and
there were lots of student loans.

I started looking into Obama’s life.

Around 1979 Obama started college at Occidental in California.

He is very open about his two years at Occidental; he tried all kinds of drugs and was wasting his time but, even though he had a brilliant mind, did not apply himself to his studies.

“Barry” (that was the name he used all his life) during this time had
two roommates, Muhammad Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, both from Pakistan.

During the summer of 1981, after his second year in college, he made a “round the world” trip. Stopping to see his mother in Indonesia, next Hyderabad in India, three weeks in Karachi, Pakistan where he stayed with his roommate’s family, then off to Africa to visit his father’s family.

My question – Where did he get the money for this trip?
Neither I, nor any one of my children would have had money for a trip like this when they where in college.

When he came back he started school at Columbia University in New York.

It is at this time he wants everyone to call him Barack – not Barry.

Do you know what the tuition is at Columbia?
It’s not cheap! to say the least.
Where did he get money for tuition?
Student Loans? Maybe.

After Columbia, he went to Chicago to work as a Community Organizer for $12,000. a year.

Why Chicago?

Why not New York?

He was already living in New York.

By “chance” he met Antoin “Tony” Rezko, born in Aleppo Syria, and a real estate developer in Chicago.

Rezko has been convicted of fraud and bribery this year.

Rezko, was named “Entrepreneur of the Decade” by the
Arab-American Business and Professional Association”.

About two years later, Obama entered Harvard Law School.

Do you have any idea what tuition is for Harvard Law School?

Where did he get the money for Law School?
More student loans?


After Law school, he went back to Chicago.
Rezko offered him a job, which he turned down.
But, he did take a job with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland.

Guess what?

They represented “Rezar” which is Rezko’s firm.

Rezko was one of Obama’s first major financial contributors when he ran for office in Chicago.

In 2003, Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama which Chicago Tribune reporter David Mendelland claims was instrumental in providing Obama with “seed money” for his U.S. Senate race.

In 2005, Obama purchased a new home in Kenwood District of Chicago for $1.65 million (less than asking price).

With ALL those Student Loans –
Where did he get the money for the property?

On the same day Rezko’s wife, Rita, purchased the adjoining empty lot for full price.

The London Times reported that Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-born Billionaire loaned Rezko $3.5 million three weeks before Obama’s new home was purchased.

Obama met Nadhmi Auchi many times with Rezko.

Now, we have Obama running for President.

Valerie Jarrett, was Michele Obama’s boss.

She is now Obama’s chief advisor and he does not make any
major decisions without talking to her first.

Where was Jarrett born?
Ready for this?

Shiraz, Iran.

Do we see a pattern here?

Or, am I going crazy?

On May 10, 2008 The Times reported, Robert Malley advisor to Obama was “sacked” after the press found out he was having regular contacts with “Hamas “, which controls Gaza and is connected with Iran.

This past week, buried in the back part of the papers,

Iraqi newspapers reported that during Obama’s visit to Iraq,

he asked their leaders to do nothing about the war until after he is elected, and he will

“Take care of things”.

Oh, and by the way, remember the college roommates that where born in

They are in charge of all those “small” Internet campaign contributions for Obama.

Where is that money coming from?

The poor and middle class in this country?

Or could it be from the Middle East?

And the final bit of news.

On September 7, 2008, The Washington Times posted a verbal slip that was made on “This Week” with George Stephanapoulos.

Obama on talking about his religion said, “My Muslim faith”. When questioned, “he made a mistake”. Some mistake!

All of the above information I got on line.

If you would like to check
it – Wikipedia, encyclopedia, Barack Obama; Tony Rezko; Valerie Jarrett
Daily Times – Obama visited Pakistan in 1981; The Washington Times –

September 7, 2008; The Times May 10, 2008.

Today there is a lot of confusion WHY the LA Times will not release a tape that shows Obama and a few ant-Israel and Palistnian toasting to each other.

They say it is to protect the identity of the person who taped it but why can’t they block that person if in fact that person is part of the taping.

AND, why isn’t he telling the Americans about his association to ACORN?

What is this guy hiding?

Do you remember the story of the Trojan Horse?

Could Obama and his associates be inside that statue, waiting for election day to come out and
take over our great country?

WHO is supporting him and who is REALLY
backing Obama?

Now the BIG question – If I found out all this information on my own,
why haven’t all of our “intelligent” members of the press been reporting

A phrase that keeps ringing in my ear – “Beware of the enemy from

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”

IF you do not believe in GOD, you’ll believe anything.

NOW AS WE KNOW GOD OFTEN USES WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE FOOLISH THINGS OF THIS WORLD TO CONFOUND THE WISDOM OF THE WISE~ maybe God is giving America one last chance to stop this all from happening now, by placing Sarah Palin on McCain’s ticket!~

If you have been on the fence as to who to vote for I highly encourage you

DON’T vote for or trust Obama,

VOTE for McCain & Palin!!
Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up



First the devil said it to Eve… now he says it to Obama~!!

What If ?

 What about It?

What if you were in..?

What about?…

Supposing this happened….?

What if it happened to your child?

What if it happened to you?

What if it happened to a friend?

What if everybody else was doing it??

What if he did it first?? or she did it first?

What if you didnt get caught ??

What if God wasn’t looking…?

What if God ‘didnt care’?

What if God is dead?

What if God didnt answer ?

What if God changed his mind ?

What if man vetoed God?

Will God wink his eye because man made his own law ?

Will God bend his almighty will to the will  of the man who can say what if?

What IF the devil was right?

What if the devil has a better plan ?

What if the bible isnt real ?

What if you can do as you please as long as it is right in your own eyes?

Why serve a God who allows you to be tempted and tried?

Why serve God when you can serve yourself, you surely will not dier?

Why believe in God when you can take over the job yourself?

Why care  that others kill murder steal usurp deceive and even rule over you?

Why care about anyone other than yourself?

Why not charge God with wrong when that fictious child is raped?

Why bother with proof when you have plenty of supposition?

Why listen to the voice of reason when you enjoy your own opinions?

Why consider what Jesus would do when you can be your own Jesus and do what you want?

Why worry about the future as you are the master of your own universe!

Why not hold a form of religion, just deny the power of it !~

Why not do what’s right in your own eyes and back it up with convenient verse and law?

The bible says, that ‘There is a way that seems right to a man but it ends in death.’

‘My ways are not your ways says the Lord…’

‘Try to  learn what is pleasing to the Father…’

‘Choose this day whom you will serve”

“If God be God, serve him, if not serve …” Job, the devil said ,”take away all that he has and he will curse you to your face.”

‘Jesus said the devil was a  liar and murderer from the beginning.’

‘The devil seduced Eve with “What if’s”….He does that to everyone…so that they may find fault with God and then become estranged  from God becoming prey for the devil.’

The devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness and tempts us the same ways as well…but Jesus rebuked the devil to told him to depart…

…to the pure HE[God] shows himself pure….

How do you seek God?

…to the ‘crooked'[those who seek to justify their actions]He[God] shows himself perverse[crooked].

If you *want* to believe that God is unfair, uncaring and not in control of the life you now live or the lives of those women /girls who become pregnant under various circumstances, then you are opting to play God by approving abortion!~ What else will you approve??

Each one is lured and enticed by their own desires…when conceived that desire gives birth to sin… which when full grown brings forth death!!

To compound any sin relating to conception with the choice of abortion is adding sin to sin by all concerned!

Can you elect yourself to be God?

Will he allow it? If He ‘stays judgement’ a day longer than demanded is that a weakness or a mercy on his part?

Medical abortions have been done through out time as lives were imperilled such as the fictitious scenarios such as of a child raped who conceived and couldnt birth…such cases have always been allowed to be medically supported and when it comes to choice between mother and child viability, decisions have always been allowed, some which result in medical abortions.

We NEVER  needed the phoney premised Roe v Wade to ensure rights of those medically needing an abortion.

Even the woman who posed before the law representing the Roe v Wade decision REPENTED AND SAID THE LAW SHOULD BE REPEALLED.


That is the carrot ,bait and justification used by PRO CHOICE brainwashers to perpetuate infanticide of the unborn.

Legal abortion is only legal murder.

The world is sick…the law most likely will never be  overturned..the innocent will keep being murdered.

Condoning it is become a participant of that sin.

It is being a co-conspirator.

When standing before God on Judgement DAy [if you believe in Him], you may be guilty of judgement resulting in hell, for embracing the seductive acceptance of abortions being  a woman’s right under any circumstance.

Most Abortions are performed for petty take back a mistake…to correct the results of fornication and adultery.

Pretexted by freeing a woman’s body of the infections of rape and its consequences.

I sheltered a young woman who had an abortion who I befriended for a few years.Due to her ignorance and lack of self control and limited education, she conceived 2 more times and each time held off getting an abortion til she was far enough along  so she was able to use abortion as her chosen form of birth control! She actually had the audacity to go to church the night before having an abortion performed at 14 weeks gestation. She didnt tell us what the medical procedure was for. Later when I was told of what she had done and that it was here 3rd time, I confronted her and she said she didnt want people to think she was a bad person for getting pregnant without being married! What a lame excuse to kill a baby – to kill 3 babies! but Roe v Wade made it possible for her to wait til the last minute and get an abortion each time~

There have not been 40 Million rapes of 5 yr old children over the last 30 years who got pregnant and would have died without Roe v Wade!

 There have been 40 million ‘choices’ of women who have been co-erced into thinking abortion was an alternative to giving birth.

Unfortunately many women who otherwise would not want an abortion have been  manipulated and seduced into getting abortions as well feeling  they had no choice. I know many of these women who still have regrets and nightmares about their abortions and some who have failed to ever conceive again even when they tried.

Our generation has become so self indulgent, self serving and callous towards the rights and needs of others, including the unborn that we allow them to be discarded, murdered in abortion mills.

Many Babies are considered an inconvenience to the guy who likes to play around without protection…so let him just pay for the abortion,right?  That makes it ‘okay’??? It makes him irresponsible for 18 yrs of child support, thats all~

Let the girl who was too drunk to say ‘no’ or remember who it was she was with or how many she was with, just ‘erase the mistake’ by not bringing an ‘unwanted’ child into the world??????  

Adoption is too much of a hassle anyway???

Why feel hurt or remorse for giving a live child away when an abortionist can flush it down the drain and make it go away in minutes???

After all ‘out of sight ‘…. no one else would know and then you can resume your life as usual with no strings attached ??? That lie haunts millions of women today.

Many men have found it convenient way to get them off the hook…

Women too, have found it a convenient way to get themselves off the hook….as they are convinced more and more to not become mothers .

Others have found it a convenient way to not have more kids in the ‘system’ for taxpayers to raise….

What if those children had lived?

What if the mother fell in love with her child the moment she held it?

What if that adoptive couple was so thrilled and gave the best education to that otherwise unwanted child who later could have developed the cure for cancer or other diseases?

What if that aborted child had instead been given human rights to save him or her from abortion and protect it til it could have protected itself and allowed the chance to live and grow up to adulthood and prove to society his or her worth in this world we live in…??

What IF God wanted that child to be born, regardless to how it was conceived?

What if God is now only holding back his righteous anger and judgement over all who have been seduced into having or defending abortion as a woman’s right ??

If abortion remains legal, “Why stop at pre-birth? What if the child is ugly or sick?If you could have aborted it a day earlier but now wish you had, why not be allowed to as they do in China?”….

What if your baby cries all the time and annoys you? Why cant you ‘post-natal abort?'[infanticide]

What if you have postpartum depression and smother your screaming infant?? Why is that chargeable murder and abortion not??

God forbid~ both are murder….Abortion is murder…no matter what IF?

If you say or think that God is Lord in your life and still you say you believe and follow Jesus, dont ever link him to condoning abortion.That is sick!

 Jesus died for all those aborted babies since they are , at least for the few moments of their existence ~ part of the world that God so loved! More over they are innocent~!

Back in 1978, I went through an Abortion Clinic to remove a baby that died in my womb but hadnt yet ejected and caused me to bleed for 3 weeks. My doctor said I needed a DNC as I was becoming ‘septic’…At the time , had I gone into the hospital for a DNC I would have had to remain in for 3 days and I had no baby sitter for my infant daughter.I was looking for a faster alternative to staying in a hospital overnite.

My cousin told me about a nearby abortion clinic that could to the comparable to getting the DNC in ust one day, as same surgery  and I could be back home that night with my daughter,so I did.

It seemed like the right alternative.

I was wrong! It was a glimpse of hell and judgement when I awoke in recovery alongside 16 other women who had abortions that day.

Hearing the moaning and cries and rants of the other women, made me feel like I was already in hell.

One woman kept cursing out the dead baby’s father…

Another cried that she changed her mind and that she didnt want to do it… but it was too late… we were all in recovery.. the procedures had been already done.

When the anesthesia wore off and I left there, I felt dirty and ashamed. I hadnt aborted a live baby, butfelt like I had.

I swore to God that if I ever needed a DNC again that I would never stoop so low as to go to an abortion clinic again.

I actually felt the spiritual evil that presides over abortion clinics!!

If you support the right to abortion, your very relationship to Jesus is wrong and you are wasting your time calling yourself a Christian, unless you repent of condoning such atrocities and follow Jesus rather than man.

A medically necessary abortion due to the mother’s physical capability to continue with a pregnancy that will kill her has always been dealt with medically, individually with DNC’s and there never was a need for Pro-Choice Roe V Wade legislation.

Back alley abortions [the old fashioned term] were done as a choice and not as medically needed, usually by whores or women who simply didnt want children, not that there were any reason beyond convenience that they could have given birth.

Roe v Wade was said to be supposed to be ending back alley abortions, but instead has committed genocide of the unborn for the last 30 years.

No matter how politically correct it has been ingrained into you or seduced you may be , Abortion is never God’s will and not the answer!





What would I do IF I were to be President?

New Presidential Candidate… If you dont want either of the ones that are running..!


There’s an effort to elect an unknown random person as President…so I agreed to be their candiate !

What I would do IF I were president ?~ Well let me tell you~ Here are just some of the things off the top of my head that I would like to see happen and would work hard for.. I have alot of other ideas as well~

But to get started this is what I would do IF I were president….

Just like in the old days when politicians would promise a chicken in every pot, so I can promise a chicken in every pot [with the help of the USDA Food Stamp Program]

Cheaper gas prices [following Sarah Palin’s approach to taxing oil companies]End the war in Iraq not by pulling out, but by taking over unconditionally and if need be , imperialistically for at least one generation [like England in India] and earnestly go wiping out any known or  suspected terrorist camps worldwide]

Impose a trade Tax on countries we are outsourcing American jobs to.

Increase military strength and not succumb to world pressures in telling us how to administer our foreign policies.

Compel nations relying on our foreign aid to join ‘our union’ in order to receive funding from us, they should be one with us, instead of using our money while continuing to hate or malign US.

Cut federal spending on executive jobs, eliminate waste in government spending by reducing administrative costs of agency operations~ If they want funding, more than 70% has to go for the actual purpose that it was intended, rather than red tape.

Make term limits on ALL government positions in Senate,Congress, eliminating their inflated expense accounts and pensions.

Make Government for the people, as a public service and trust rather than for power and lifetime of benefits.

Increase spending on education with a job placement payback service for all student loans, thus eliminating loan default~ Let them work it off!!

Make a new Civilian Conservation Corps to rebuild the infrastructure of the country, thus providing jobs to all who are unemployed  but able bodied.

Overturn Roe V Wade and re-educate America on the sanctity of life. Provide counselling and funding that would make our children the prize possession of America and educate them with discipline and pride so that the next generation will not be a bunch of self indulgent couch potatoes~

Bring ‘God’ back into the courts and place criminal sentences and fines on all who use government or religion for their own selfish gain,by re-evaluating tax exempt status annually of all who apply for non-profit status.

Place limits on administrative salaries in order to qualify for tax exempt status {why should any group pay its administrators $100,000+ a year while soliciting donations and tax exemption credits to provide their services?

Bring back honor, integrity and a sense of civil duty to all walks of life.

Reform prisons by making them into factories to make products currently being made by outsourcing.Our prison system should be able to compete with the foreign markets!Funds earned can go for prison reform and salaries.Then when the inmate is released, he/she will have a skill to be able to work and make an honest living rather than having to  go on welfare.

Provide work for  welfare recipients work from home such as telemarketers and other computer data  jobs that they can be easily trained for if they can not be part of the new Civilian Conservation Corps.

Test and evaluate all students to see what jobs would meet their potential.Enforce the policy of no one left behind and make everyone who is capable, able to meet the work that will allow them to produce and make themselves and their families self sufficient.

Require everyone to register for the draft and commit 2 years minimun to civil service and national defense. Make overseas duty voluntary however.

Watch my online video about this surprising new turn of events:  

Jot back a note to let me know what you think! 🙂

And IF I dont achieve enough backing to be elected this time, I want you to know that I endorse John Mc Cain and Sarah Palin for the presidency in Nov 2008 as the next best thing and totally am against Obama as not being fit to be president of our United States and if elected, believe America would fall an become a third world nation.

Too late to try to SAVE AMERICA  not enough Voted for McCain/Palin ~~~!!

Stewart Traill, the Al Capone of the 21st Century!

March 14

What do the following have in common???

Olde Good things, [ now net worth over $7.4Million as of Aug 2010 according to Scranton Newspaper]

S&G Photographics.

Christian Brothers Carpet Cleaning.

Stewart Traill is the man behind the plans.

The Forever Family became  the Church of Bible Understanding .

The ‘tax exempt status’ achieved in 1976, became a ticket to ride for Stewart Traill ,who emerged  like a ‘mob boss’.

His achievements make him comparable to the  Al Capone of the 21st century~but with ‘one upmanship’,  since Capone was finally nailed for income tax evasion, Traill has that covered from the gitgo…First, become a ‘church’ and then work the flock. He had a willing [although brainwashed] army of  workers paying as little as $1 day for endless hours of work. Thousands of coverts passed through COBU over the next 30+ years.

[It’s a wise man that learns from the mistakes of another!]

Just like Al Capone……………..

Traill is all powerful, charismatic, devious, elusive, enigmatic, unscrupulous, admired, loved, hated, feared, envied, covertly runs his enterprises, eliminates the competition hands down.

The parallels that can be drawn to both men is undeniable.

Each started a life of [con/ crime] at a relatively early.

Both left school after having different  ‘social’ issues.

Capone’s was over a physical incident with a teacher,

Traill’s was over an incident with his  physics teachers.

Both scraped at  menial odd jobs.

Capone worked at a candy store and a bowling alley.

Trail worked  repairing used vacuum cleaners and selling them at flee markets.

Both made their ‘big’ money through other peoples hard  labors and sufferings.

Both showed/show  no remorse.

Both married Irish women.

Both had junior sons they each called “Sonny.”

Both set the stage for one of the most notorious careers in modern American history.

Capone’s recognized talents in his ‘crime field of endeavour’ got him quickly elevated to running his ‘organization’ . He operated his organization in virtual darkness.He was increasingly psychotic and a dangerous man.

Traill’s recognized talents in his “religious field of endeavour” got him elevated to running his own cult. He operated his organization in virtual darkness. He is becoming increasingly psychotic  and also considered a dangerous man by those whose lives he wrecked.

Capone’s bootlegging during Prohibition made him a fortune catapulting him to investments in other businesses and investments.

Traill’s maneuvering to attain legal ‘church status’ gained a  tax exemption number,  amassing him an unaccountable fortune, using members as a hard working slave labor force, catapulting him into multiple business ventures and setting off a money making machine that can not be accurately assessed. He has professional tax people looking for any and all loopholes to avoid as much tax as possible.

Like Capone eliminating Colismo for his reluctance to move forward into another area of crime business.

Traill soon began systematically eliminating  workers reluctant to comply with his brainwashing techniques and in his business .

When city govt’s began putting pressure on either, each , moved out of the city limits, running their enterprises in created safe zones for operations, leaving there workers behind and controlling from a distance.

Both shared a sense of entitlement.

Both were/are narcissistic, lacked/lack  empathy for the people serving them.It took 30 years before anyone got any group insurance and that is centralized, while the members are dispursed nationwide.

Al Capone was notorious for control over large areas of  Chicago during Prohibition Era.

Traill’s is notorious for details in maintaining control in all of his members and enterprises. The Christian Brothers Carpet Cleaning Service knocked out the competition in most of NYC  through little or no labor overhead as members were brainwashed into working for as little as a $1 a day. Evenings were spent going out witnessing and bringing in more recruits.

Although Capone’s “organization” was making a great deal of money from illegal prostitution and alcohol, much was laundered or unacccounted for.

Traill’s “organization” is making a fortune off of wielding its ‘tax exemption status’ soliciting donations and a retentive  slave labor force in his business ventures and human rights violations having members work 7 days a week and sleeping on floors in  filthy rat infested warehouses and cold water flats.

Both Capone and Traill  remained virtually immune from prosection due to witness intimidation. Capone killed his opposers, Traill works them to death.

Both Capone and Traill were reputed to have several retreats and hideouts.

Both bought retreats in Florida, running their operations from a safe distance.

Neither were ever indicted for their commonly known crimes.

Throughout their reigns a number of attempts have been made to bring them to justice.

Both had issues with infidelity in their marriages.

Capone tried to whitewash his image and be seen as a community leader by creating a daily milk ration for the school kids of Chicago to prevent Ricketts.

Traill  white washes  his businesses and avoids taxes by starting a feeding program for children in an Orphanage in Haiti, even becoming eligible for Government grants and receiving them, as well as tax free donations for the ’cause’.

Capone always did his business through ‘front men’ and no accounting records were kept in his name.Even his mansion was under his wife’s name.

Traill also does business through  ‘front men’ in his COBU.He claims no salary on record and pre-empts the IRS for getting him for tax evasion.

Capone headed  the list as public enemy # 1 for corrupting the city.

Traill is #1 public enemy of all those whose livelihoods and youth he stole.


In certain ways Traill also reminds me of the late John Gotti.

[charismatic, powerful, enigmatic, rich ]

I met Mr.Gotti when he frequented a place I used to work at when I was 18-19 yrs old. He was always polite, generous and very well groomed. [As long as you didn’t cross him , he could be your best friend.]

Unlike Stewart,  Mr.Gotti enjoyed being a  public celebrity, but history reveals more.

Outwardly however, Stewart may have appeared to be  the opposite of Gotti, as there was nothing dapper or classy about Stewart, but he  enjoyed his celebrity status within the Cult itself.  Stewart wore junk clothing  was unkempt  yet endeared members to himself, projecting an image of servitude to keep the ranks in line~ although apart from them he lives a life of luxury.

They were alike in their quiet under the counter way they doing business and cheating the laborers giving as littel as possible but collecting gross returns.

In private when visiting the Phil Center House , I occasionally crossed paths at night with Stewart, coming to or from the kitchen while I was  reading room and Stewart would be cordial and engage in chit chat asking about what I was learning in the bible, for a moment, but as time passed he became all but unapproachable , like the Great and powerful “OZ”,,,,

His devilish genius is up their with like a dictator.


The Church of Bible Understanding {COBU} emerged out of a small groups of fellowships on the east coast in the early 70’s.

They were kids who newly got saved and mostly that loved Jesus and wanted to serve him with their whole hearts.While many youth of the day were partying and getting high, these kids looked to Jesus to rule their lives and found fellowships together and walked the walk and talked the talk.

They were however young and impressionable and one older man, a  devious power hungry narcissist,  a man who was/is charismatic and so deviously wormed his way into this young fellowship, gaining trust and position began directing their steps into the direction that would eventually enslave them to him and remove their hopes for any quality of life in this world.

He was and still is a ‘destroyer’ holding [willing?] brainwashed captives to this very day and leaving in his wake, are all the people whose lives are still sorely affected by his treachery.

This is an account of the days when he was openly transforming these young Christians into his brainwashed servants.

What he does may not be ‘technically’ considered illegal,  it should be and we need laws like the RICO, to prevent people like him from doing what they do.

But how? It is so insidious, as the victims he still controls have been socially cut off from the world of today and most fear re-entering it. Believe it or not, it is happening in NYC and other places around the US~! today……………….

It began in 1976, when COBU forces focused more on recruiting new potential work force members,  than in teaching about the love of God, using their professions of faith as a tool to control them.

It was more involved than any could imagine.

Stewart Traill  was charismatic and had that ability to mesmerize many people.

The original members who sensed things going wrong were systematically being discredited and eliminated as  they now became a liability to Stewrat’s plans of birthing his own little nation of drones.

This was partly due to  to the changing over from small self financed fellowships [that donated some money to Stewart] to a centralized pooling of finances, to which Stewart was in control of and began making the decisions on how members would live and where they would live and serve him.

He made some deals in NYC and Camden to buy some run down warehouses ,  then began herding COBU members out of their original fellowships across the country,  into living in NYC warehouses.

Unfamiliar with NYC life and having no social contacts outside of the COBU,  members became enslaved for the ’cause’, [still thinking they were serving Jesus] but  actually being fed into Stewart’s BORG of worker drones for enterprises he was about to establish….

Stewarts’s  ability to initially impress certain  vulnerable people who would be open to listening proved fruitful for his business endeavours.

He saw who he could control as opposed to who he couldn’t. His focus was on control.

A pivotal part in his plans including gaining a tax exempt status and for that the group needed to be incorporated as a church and it was in 1975.

He needed that ‘front‘ of  a Christian fellowship, as the means to achieve his ends.

Emphasizing about remaining faithful was one of  the ‘vehicles’ used to compel people to comply. Those who did not were verbally abused and shunned and cast down, to either escape or openly leave, but  most had to escape.

How people left  was also carefully calculated on Stewart’s part.. He couldn’t  just allow people to leave while they were looking at all justified or that would lead to others leaving…so those leaving were  discredited .

He needed to keep a ‘retentive work force’, so it was instilled through hard work and a series of long nightly meetings, that to leave was  leaving Jesus and  to not yield to the group, under his direction, was disobeying Jesus and punishable by hell fire. To leave was to backslide, losing all hopes of attaining heaven.

He could then surmize who would be suitable to be ingrafted or trained to stay and work.
Around May of 76 the word was sent out not to trust the ‘older’ long time members of any authority and the chain of command was broken, making  him  the sole authority and spokesperson for God.

Newer, younger members were encouraged to verbally attack older members who were then shamed and shunned into submission, while the new recruits got a pat on the head and became Stewrat’s favorites & were developed into an almost  type of Hitler Youth, to report anyone who might be into sin…[that is anyone revealing Stewart’s plans]

Understanding the bible was no longer was the main precedent, compliance to Stewart’s plan was. They were being brainwashed.

This also encouraged a sense of  less true spirituality and  more minor narcissistic tendencies to emerge within the ranks and those who were good at being Official Reprovers [OR’s} made everyone else fearful and careful not to be questioning or being dissident…anyone catching on and questioning Stewart was made to think they were sinful and had to repent, losing status attained and brought low to be ridiculed .

COBU got more and more militant, more physical labor, more compliance, more willingness to snitch to get  a pat on the head from Stewart who was systematically setting up alliances with those he could trust to control and eliminate those who might eventually expose his game.

Out with the old , in with the new

Eventually picking up homeless people who had ‘no life anyway’ and began exploiting them, as well as those with in the ranks, so long as the wheels kept turning and Stewart’s power increased as the  money rolled in..

Well here are some more of my thoughts on his devilish genious and under the counter achievements in the early days of COBU…

Now after manipulating and controlling thousands of people from 1971 through present, stealing their youth, energies, faith, dreams and more, Stewart has extracted his profit by the sufferings of those he controlled “in the name of a jesus,[not the real Jesus] making them think to disobey Stewart and his gang[or inner circle], was to be backsliding, sealing their fate to go to hell’a  fate worse than death and prevent most from exposing the entire scam to the outside world officials.

By these methods he has controlled some for over 30 yrs! In exchange for giving their lives to his control, many have however learned to work in various businesses with the brainwashed privilege of donating their paychecks back to Stewart’s church{COBU} to avoid taxation.

They are ensnared since they can not leave with more than the clothes on their backs into a world they do not know.

Stewart in turns has provided minimal room and board and a stipend for each member.

At one point it was $1 a day for up to 18 hours hard labor! Sundays, the sabbath was cancelled so workers could make more money for Stewart’s ambitions.

A member earning up to $1000 a week could expect a stipend of up to $30 and carfare of up to $30. Money given to  the members is  in cash envelopes.

Governing boards of elite members have to penny pinch on each member or they themselves lose rank and privilege. Instilling the thought of crucifying their flesh to be sure they wouldnt ask for more.

Many members were/are underage runaways as well as adults with various degrees of personality disorders, less likely to complain of their abuse.

Those who can manage enough thought to question anything are suppressed or shunned and most eventually run away with the clothes on their backs and a trash bag of personal belongings reflecting the fruits of years of servitude to this inhumane system of human rights violations.

They would move the ‘drones’ through the underground apt/warehouse system , change the kids appearance [haircuts, dyed hair etc] and names and feed them into the church to become worker bees.

Moving them around to unfamiliar surroundings, never watching any TV , limited contact with nonmembers outsiders, instilling fear of the outside world and guilt so they would stay and not know  how to leave or where to go.

They were constantly told that their own thoughts were evil and had to bring their minds under subjection, causing them to police each other and tell on anyone that would think of dissenting or questioning Stewart’s authority of those who answered directly to Stewart.

Stewart handpicked certain men who would follow his direction in exchange for a piece of the action, thus motivating others to do his dirty work.

He once ordered several men to beat his own minor son senselessly for shoplifting.The men were arrested after the boy was hospitalized in Philadelphia’s Childrens Hospital, but  only received probation and Stewart himself  was never charged! This happened in Philadelphia at the ‘lamb house’ where new recruits were conditioned, brainwashed and fed back into the work force.

Stewart Traill did/does however keep a paranoid sense of self preservation, never letting even his trusted enforcers be secure in their own positions. Secrecy was/is paramount to keeping control.

Any enforcer who showed/shows any inclination towards establishing more power was/is demoted quickly.

Keeping even his enforcers off guard Stewart Traill,  became more powerful. He had/has enablers in business legal matters create ways to hide and launder money and cover their tracks so nothing could be traced to Stewart.

He also  had everything placed under the church name to avoid taxes and recriminations but generous allowances for himself that were more than a king would receive. He would often say that he takes nothing from the church, since in fact it is laid at his feet.

The huge cash flow from these slave laborers, coupled with donations sought from corporations, government grants and outside volunteer sources mushroomed into a huge money making machine that can not even be estimated.

Some of this money and donations has been funneled and reinvested into other business ventures, creating new businesses that gradually have been detached from their original source.

Much of these practices are not unlike how organized crime attempts to go legite~Still it is blood money of those who were his slaves.

The transition from unskilled child/teen/young adult laborers to repairmen refurbishing used vacuum cleaners and selling them at flea markets[sales jobs included men and women] went to carpet cleaning services when Stewart purchaced 10 carpet cleaning machines in 1976 out of church funds.

‘Privileged’ loyal members would take a carpet cleaner and go out in the streets of NYC seeking businesses to clean carpets for. As the money began to flow, more carpet cleaners were purchased and more laborers sent out.

There was now endless work opportunites.

Women members were sent out  with ‘flyers’ soliciting businesses and making appointmets for the men to come and clean carpets.

Contracts were soon made  with area businesses and corporations as the sales people sent in to negotiate deals by undercutting every business in the city.

This was easy since the work force was slaves.

Stewart would have the enforcers push the men to work days, nights and weekends. It was not surprising that much of the work done was performed in places actually linked to organized crime in NYC.

Some notoriety occurred when the Seinfeld TV comedy series once made reference to them as the “Sunshine Carpet Cleaning Cult”.

I talked with a member once who bragged about making over $300 a week. I asked her how much of that money did she actually receive in hand, since when I was in, they took my entire paycheck and never gave me an allowance.They were supposed to pay my debts off out  of the money I ‘donated’ but never did that either.

After repeated questioning she finally admitted to getting $10 a week [and not every week did she receive it but when it was her time of month and she needed sanitary supplies]!

Having a soda was a luxury and indulging in the flesh…

The workers slept in sleeping bags on the floors of dirty broken down warehouses in the Hell’s Kitchen section of NYC.

Up to 130 members shared squalor living conditions, having only 2 toilets and having no bathing facilities.

Members would weekly go to public showers to get washed. Lice , roaches and rat infested, one member told me that he bought dog flea shampoo to try and get the bugs out of his hair!

Since there were ‘some’ married families involved in the early days, children would often become sick and have to go to clinics. When the same addresses came up for so many sick children, the Board of Health was sent in to discover the squalor and shut down some of Stewarts home warehouses, forcing him to buy some run down tenements and scatter his flock.

Members were then moved into overcrowded  apartment buildings, living in ‘shifts’ while the carpet cleaning business {Christian Brothers Carpet Cleaning Services} was born.

At this time any new marriages were strongly discouraged, celibacy and devotion were overly emphasized in the nightly meetings.

All efforts went to creating a strong work force and keep costs down.

Area businesses  made complaints to city officials as the COBU’s Christian Brothers Carpet Cleaning Services was putting others out of work.

Charges were filed for tax evasion and a new loop hole was found and employed.

Members were now given their salary checks as ‘independent contractors’ so the Christian Brothers didnt have to pay tax on their behalf.

Then to keep all the money in Stewart’s pockets, these salaries were/are then donated to the COBU as charitable contributions.

This way members also avoid paying taxes, but lose everything in the process~!!

Members live/d meagerly off their allowance which never enables them to be able to afford to leave the group.

Delving into the authenticating  the tax exempt status of the ‘church’, Stewart Traill told the members about the movie “Marjoe Gortner” and that the best way to beat the system was to establish a charity that was cheap to run, such as an orphanage in a third world country…

Stewart picked Haiti, the poorest country in the eastern hemisphere. One where he would come out the winner regardless to anything else.. This made the church look good to the public but was another way for him to exploit humankind.

Starting the mission was a stroke of devilish genius..feeding starving children..

They began soliciting larger corporate donations as well as government grants to assist in this mission , while not being monitored by any one.They accept any type of monetary or physical property in exchange for tax credits to those who donate.

These donations can not be totally accounted for since some who give, do not require charitable write off declarations.

Many antiquities ‘donated’ are then warehoused in  Scranton Pa., under member guards and stored til they can resurface in yet another business of the church, ” Olde Good Things” E-bay store and sell valuables for thousands of dollars.

Tax accounting is now done  very professionally and what is written down and accounted for has so far, met basic requirements to elude government detection, however this is an underground religious named version or organized crime!

COBU is no better than any other criminal enterprises in America, only more subtle and devious, undetectable except, perhaps by those who escaped its grasp and now live in anonymity, mentally , physically and spiritually abused for decades.

Imagine if Al Capone played himself off as an evangelist? Even most organized crime families draw the line at that!

Today, with over 25 yrs of guaranteed good service, Christian Brothers Carpet Cleaning Services are located  in NYC, LA , SanDiego and Florida.

Customers have no idea of what evil enabled this business to form. It is said they even employ some outsiders which give the appearance of a normal enterprise.

The mission Orphanage  in Haiti was plagued with stories of abuse and mismanagement.

Young members went there to care for the children yet were unqualified in child care and many orphans have been beaten and abused without justice ever being served. Corporate donations still keep everything afloat and Traill still prospers from it.

He flies one of his 4 church owned planes to deliver the goods to Haiti with Uncle Sam’s picking up the tab under the Bush initiative of funding faith based human needs programs.

He has often had female member stuff up to $15,000 cash at a time in their clothing to go undetected.Where was that money going?

Stewart meanwhile could receive accolades for his human services, ironically…

Under the auspices of this charity, donations of planes, plane parts and services are covering most of the costs of operations.

New volunteers, kept separate from the ‘drones’ have been enlisted to upscale the operation, making it look more honest.

Most people are unaware of the sinister purpose of Stewart Traill have been unwittingly offering their services in good faith.

At least the orphans get fed…the higher percentage of what he collects to do this is however funneled into other ventures while a minimal percentage is used for the good.

Where are the Rico laws when you need them?

How can a used vac repairman gain the power and position attained by Stewart Traill????

Stewart Traill , Dumping Shirley , Getting Gayle~COBU

This article was written collaboratively with the help of Jim Hurley, who was Center Leader of Reading in 1974-75 and witnessed many of these private events between Stewart & Shirley & Gayle in 1975

After Debbie Tobias left there were different ‘sisters’ used to help
Stewart in writing out bible studies.
They would write out the
verses on the file cards.
Gayle did some writing for Stewart and getting closer to the family
all the time and under Stewart’s eye.

After Stewart got the plane[April 1975], he started leaving Shirley home and taking young 18 yr old  Gayle, around to the different centers.

Gayle always seemed to sleep at his feet,. “I don’t know of her ever being sent to the sister’s quarters” said Jim Hurley.

Shirley was getting increasingly upset with this, as well she should
have been! On several occasions while at their home, Stewart would
call Rem, Paul or Dave and other ‘older brothers’ like Jim Hurley too,
to ‘calm’ Shirley down. Jim tells you more about this here.
Usually after some sort of fight concerning his hanging out with female teenagers, particularly Gayle.- “He knew what he was doing!” said Jim.

He could control the young girls but was losing control of Shirley. She was beginning to put her foot down.” Jim continued,
“He wasn’t going to allow her to ruin things for him.
He started to present her as a “freak out” over Gayle, yet all the
while he kept baiting her with his behavior, and he was getting away
with it. Why put up with her when Gayle adored him!”

The incident in the restaurant I heard about many times.
Jim Hurley, my husband, was there. He told me  the exact details
as to demonstrate perhaps why Stewart later didn’t want older
brothers around. No witnesses! This is what I heard back then about it.

Gayle was sitting with Jim in a booth.
“Stewart was sitting with Shirley, they were arguing, or at least she
was. He was contemptively ‘cool’. Her fuse was already lit! Other
leaders were there. Those who knew the real deal, knew why Shirley was
so upset”, said Jim.

“Others may have not known and ‘judged by the moment’ and thought
Stewart was the victim. HA!
He set her up and knew how to push her buttons!
She was watching him and Gayle get ‘bonded’ and knew her time was
In a final burst of frustration, Shirley said out loud,
” You can’t control me, can you Stewart!!!”
“and she opened a jar of sugar, unscrewed the cap and slowly poured
the sugar over Stewart’s head. It mingled in his hair and beard and
slid down his shirt and pants and onto the floor.” Jim  recalled.
“He had victory!”

All he had to do now, was sit there and remain silent.

The calmer he appeared, the more hysterical she looked.
“He knew what he was going to do and he knew how to punish her for
this! -This was going to cost her, everything!”

The rest was easy.

He was succeeding in driving Shirley nuts.
She knew that he could get the fellowships to believe anything he
told them.
He also knew that there was enough momentum to handle any exodus of
those who knew the scoop.

He had the fellowships in the palm of his hands!

He even boasted that he could be ‘backslide 5 years’ and they wouldn’t catch on!

She knew it was beyond her abilities to deal with and that he was out to take over a bunch of naive Jesus freaks and exploit them, much like he had exploited her, when he married her at 16 and she did what ever he told her without question- for years!
Here she was over 30, and able to finally ‘talk back’.

Well he was going to fix her but good!

“He would accuse her of adultery and these dumb lambs would actually feel sorry for him.” said Jim.

Why what girl in fellowship wouldn’t love to have a husband like
He was planning it for sometime.

He had Shirley parade in tight unbecoming ‘old looking’ compared to the sea of young girls spread out on the floor before him, listening to every word he said. It would be easy to get the fellowship to think she was perverse…

Then there were the young men, or boys, who wanted to be
“just like Stewart”.
He had a plan for them as well!

They were going to be as “eunichs” for the kingdom of ‘god’ while he would be ‘a Solomon’, the wisest of the wise and have many ‘mental’ concubines.
He was going to have some fun, dividing those whom he liked from
those he disliked. Ones he liked could be known later as ‘Gayle

He could ‘whip them into shape’ whatever ‘shape’ he wanted to make them.

Stewart  didn’t care what YOUR MOTIVE WAS for being in fellowship, as long as you produced gain for him.
The more the ‘merrier’ for him…
Turn a buck, into his pocket every little bit helps!

Well anyway, back to the ‘good old days’, the time for the first
“1000 person Big Meeting” came and Stewart made the tragic
announcement!!! [4th July 1975]
Shirley gave him an ULTIMATUM-
“Come Home and be husband and father, or we won’t be here when you get back!”[meaning her and the children…]

But as all geniuses plan ahead, Stewart had it all figured out.

He announced to the meeting that she left and made it seem as though
she was telling him Jesus or her.
So of course he was ‘applauded’ for choosing Jesus….
by coming to the meeting and not giving in to her demands…

Why there wasn’t a person present
that couldn’t ‘feel his pain’, but I should have said
‘feel his gain!’….

He had another brother suggest that the fellowship pay
for his legal defense and get back his children for him.
After all, how could Stewart lead the fellowship if he couldn’t manage
his own family, bible basics 101, and to put away his wife, she had
to be an adulteress bible basics 102…

Soon after, he succeeded and got his kids back. He had a private
investigator claim Shirley was with another man in a bar, enough
said. She was backslidden…Alls ‘swell’ in the kingdom of Stewart.

The beast was born…

From that point on, the ‘spirit’ of the fellowship was under attack. Houses closed as warehouses opened, salaries collected, and dependence on the Cobu made it harder to leave.

Members were kept mentally and physically kept exhausted, becoming spiritually deprived of the Truth, having it replaced with ‘wormwood’, the devil had its foothold as Stewart sold out for his Lusts!!!

There were the loyalists.

They were saved, but swayed by their desire to remain in fellowship and or their dependence on the fellowship.

No matter how bad it seemed to get, Stewart could always point a finger
and let them know it was their fault and heap on the guilt.

They always needed to repent and better yet walk around in
figurative ‘sackcloth and ashes’.

They would be mistreated, abused and stay on for long periods of time, carrying the ‘hope’ that things were going to get better.

These hopes were only realized by their eventually leaving. By then, however, the brainwashing of blaming themselves and daily doses of guilt, left some bewildered for years to come.

Stewart gave parting gifts!

A curse would be pronounced on you when you were leaving fellowship.

He even told people that Jim killed himself over 10 years ago! This was said perhaps to scare others into submission and obedience.
In the summer of 1976,  at a meeting in NYC, Stewart  told me in front of the multitudes, that I was a suicide waiting to happen ~!

Thanks for the prophetic word Stew, I did have a few close
calls, since after all, you took away my hope of salvation…. for a

Thanks be to Jesus that he showed me what a liar you {Stewart}

The devil has been having quite a field day with the

Cobu, his ‘Cain child’.

I better end now for this part at least, as this is all part
of the “Never Ending Story

Hopefully this account and others that are being presented,  will  cause those ‘faithfully departed members’ to find new hope in Jesus Christ the Lord Jesus Christ ~ not the facsimile created by Stewart~

[…and not the “Jesus Christ’ carpet cleaning cult….]which has made
Stewart a multi-millionaire, and left those who did the slave labor
with nothing but guilt that they could never please Jesus!

To those left behind, who have a false glimmer of hope that
Stewart would ever care enough to provide for you, any sort of
future, it can only be Death and Despair!

The sooner you get out the sooner you can begin to heal and get to know the ‘real love of Jesus’.

Stewart may raise his glass at a poolside toast and say,
“This Bud’s for you!”
‘You can stay part of Cobu and live in squalor ~ till you are no longer able to
produce work that will profit Stewart and then  you will be cast out
into the street as refuse,with a parting directive to ‘go drop dead’, just as many before you were cast out or driven away.

The true Christians that were in the Ff/Cobu were persecuted and to
the ones that still love Jesus, praise God!

To those who are still hurting so bad, God bless you and comfort you! To those who are still IN and being misled, I pray Jesus protects them and leads them out safely into real fellowship.

To those who have failed to develop a true relationship with Jesus because of being misled, I pray they come to know him, the true loving savior and develop that right relationship with Jesus.

To those of us who fellowship together, I hope that our Savior raises
us up to do more service for him, in the manner of intent we tried to
do in the fellowship.

I ask you Lord Jesus to enable me to lead many  people to You in Christ again in the time I have remaining on this earth and that they may not be caught up in any false teachings like that of the Cobu, by Stewart. I ask You to send Your Holy Spirit to convict him of his sins and lead him to true repentance. In Jesus name.Amen


Join us at:

Forever Family…. became COBU…then turned to a cult..:(

Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 07:10:35 -0000 

When I met the Forever Family, it was through Barbara. She began to
work at my company and noticed I was reading a bible at lunch. She
offered to share bible study with me and invited me to her fellowship
near the Staten Island Ferry.
I was already saved but struggling to get my former fiancé saved, before our
upcoming, planned already marriage.
Once evening after work, I accompanied her to their meager
fellowship, was given a folding chair, [one of the only ones they had]
as they all sat around on the floor exchanging ‘nuggies’ and waiting
to go out witnessing for the evening. I was impressed by their fervor
and dedication to Jesus. They did not invite or persuade me to move
in. They were just into witnessing and bible studies. Everything else
was insignificant.

They spoke of ‘center meetings’ on weekends and that they had
a ‘center leader’ named Dave Rizetto, who knew allot of the bible.
They invited me to a meeting and I went.

At the center meeting, several groups of people arrived, notably
young and all got together to pray in the spirit and fellowship,
mostly in the word. This too impressed me and was sincere. Then they
got together and had some group bible study, still very good and
wholesome. When the fellowships were like this, they were GOOD…each
fellowship was independently ‘owned and operated’…

People were getting saved. They did not push you/me to move in, just
emphasized allot that I should come over more for bible studies and
to go out witnessing. This was great. I wanted to learn how to
witness better. I used to just give out tracts and bibles and invite
people to come to church. I wanted to get a ‘copy of a sinners
prayer’ and try to lead some one to Jesus.  I went over to the
fellowship more and more frequently.

Then one day, Barbara came to work with the bad news! Some one who
didn’t like the group of communers- set the fellowship on fire while
they were out witnessing! I was horrified and invited them to move
into my house.  My house was actually too small, but they told me
that they found a big house and since they had no furniture etc, that
perhaps I would consider moving in with them…  was supposed to be 
getting married the following month, so I thought why not. I wanted to
get my boyfriend saved and perhaps, by moving there, he would get

I moved in with them. My boyfriend came around daily. He did get
saved but wanted me to leave the fellowship. By that time I learned
that it still wouldn’t be right to just marry him as a newly saved. I
was told he needed to learn more about Jesus so that it would be
better to put off the wedding. He became angry with me and
threatened to beat up the fellowship leader, John Bevilaqua. This
didn’t happen but came close. I agreed to move to the Wilmington
Delaware fellowship to distance myself from my boyfriend. I was told
that if it were meant to be that Jesus would bring us together at the
right time.  I started to consider that perhaps it wasn’t meant to be,
so I focused on the Forever family and learning to please Jesus.

At about that time, Stewart had broken up with Shirley. Changes began
to take place. Each house still paid it’s own bills through full or
part-time jobs we each got and we gave a donation to the Center leader
who in turn gave it to Stewart.

We still handled our own money and gave in a donation for the house
bills, usually around $35- $50- per week
each. Each person paid for his or her own food. Sharing was discouraged as
some new people would join and not look for work. If you don’t work
you don’t eat, was the way it was. This bothered me, as I noticed that
if you were visiting a fellowship and had no money or food with you,
no one usually would even offer! When I asked about it, at a few
different fellowships, I was told that the physical food wasn’t the
big deal and that I should ‘get off my mother trip’. They made fun of
me frequently for worrying whether everyone ate or not.

This gradually changed, beginning in Wilmington. I would buy extra
food and I started making meals and offering to whom ever wanted it.
Others started to share too. Ernie Bencak was the leader and a truly
nice guy.

The food stinginess at early fellowships was the only fault I found
with the Forever Family! This changed though as when I began to
share, slowly others did too. After a while it became common to share
but I was still accused of being on a “Mother Trip”. I didn’t mind,
I just was a ‘literal Christian’ when I joined and felt the physical
was important too, as they were mostly into what they perceived to be
the spiritual, and ready to surrender all!

At this point in time, there were communes all over. The early FF’ers
were known to ‘rescue’ some from the COG’s and Moonies, and try to
rescue HareKrshna’s too, along with runaway kids and homeless. The
fellowships grew because many left their, then sinful lifestyles,
and moved right in.  Some were hippies or on the fringe of being
hippies. Others just wanted to opt-out of their sinful worldly
lifestyle into a pure sin free environment. And it was just that, for
a time.
Gradually as it grew, more elements were added, a biggy was, the
kiddies were growing up…urges..relationships developing…remaining
sin free…remaining celibate…co-ed sleeping in rooms, was heading
towards a problem, which didn’t occur!

I have never heard of a pregnancy started in the FF/Cobu out of wedlock. That made them
better than the Cog’s or Moonies! Frequently moving around from one
fellowship to another meant unemployment issues. Stewart was a vac
repairman and sold rebuilts at flee markets. He taught some of the
center leaders to do the same. They in turn taught some of the guys
to do it too. Girls often worked office jobs, waitresses, house
cleaners, baby sitters, and so on so we all just chipped in and paid
the bills.

As the fellowships got bigger. The centers grew. Stewart originally
was dragging his entire family around in the beginning to do bible
studies every so many weeks or month.

Then we started to rent larger
places and have Big Meetings. the bigger we got the further he had to

So, it was no surprise that we started giving Stewart more and
more money and then small plane to get around in and then his wife
would stay home with the kids.

Then after Debbie Tobias left,
different girls used to help with writing out the file cards. Stewart
was using a mini tape recorder to save all the ideas he was getting.

And then came along Gayle- no father and young, 18-19. She babysat for
the Traills sometimes and now got promoted to secretary for Stewart.
The rest of that is history. That is also where some think Stewart SOLD OUT TO
THE DEVIL! AND began the larger scale exploitation of the willing!
“Do it for Jesus!” [the death of a fellowship!] The taking into
captivity! Many left….God help those who remained!!!!

To realize the truth of the CobuCult, it took me 5 years to stop
defending it! We were programmed and the good was there to justify
the bad! The good was allowed there to cover up the bad! The good
were there as a front for the workings of Satan through Stewart and
his few henchmen! Stewart needed to lure and entice a certain amount
of True Believers to pull off his scam!!! We, who loved Jesus, were
being used to make Cobu look noble and worthwhile! We breathed the
life into that monster…

If that wasn’t bad enough, we were abused continually by Stewart and
his assigned henchmen and ‘punished’ for loving Jesus and
subconsciously Stewart was embedding the blame on Jesus in our
minds, so he could finish destroying us even after we left the cult!!!

Stewart had help from heavy hitting ‘demons’ to accomplish so
dastardly a deed! I hate watching WW2 movies about Hitler. Hitler
had demons too!

So did the late Saddam Hussein, and many who place little or
no value on human life as long as they could extract gain for
themselves and power! They all possess a ‘spirit of antichrist’.


He mixed the members according to the concept  of ‘sheep with the goats’ and started to bring all/us in small groups to the slaughterhouse.  Then he mixed in pigs and
horses and fed us all slops! Then he had different’ lords over us’-
little  loyal members who were ‘like lions’ to nip and bit and cull out the ‘unconverted ones’.

The ‘converts’ Stewart wanted were thosee mindless enough, who ate what he
offered them not knowing he is/was only poisoning the ones who were
bringing himdelf more  gain, planning on replacing as they/we/us wore out or

He only pretend/s/ed to be a Christian brothers fellowship! Although many of us  are physically free from being there- we still have little mental time bombs planted in side and/or around   us that need to be deactivated!   Those parting shots from Stewart / or those he delegated to deliver the messages of doom to anyone who leaves the cult.
Those parting  shots to give us to self destruct!
Those time bombs are demonic oppression that hits us each in similar /or different ways, some are; Spirits of:
depression, suicidal, anger, fatigue, confusion, mental disorders,
infirmities, bitterness, religious spirits, frustration, contempt,
hatred, pride, lying, stealing, homosexuality, promiscuity, Eve,
Jezebel, bitterness, envy, treachery, mocking, witchcraft
unforgiveness, jealousy, strife, self-mutilation,
self-gratification, even spirits of murder, if only in our hearts!

Stewart is still succeeding in robbing the joy of loving Jesus out of
our lives if any of these demonic forces have any victory in and
around our lives.

I urge you brethren, by the mercies of God, if any of you are suffering and search your hearts for any of the feelings associated with any of the above mentioned, do not be

Pray, get help both spiritual and mental health, to have some one pray with you!

Surrender it all to Jesus and remember again your creator as in the days of your

God is not mocked, but wants to heal and hold any and all of us that
have any bondage in any of those areas, he will deliver! All who call
upon the name of the Lord will be saved…
My indignation remains over the ones who left and could not attain a
right relationship with Jesus due to the distortion of the truth
injected into their minds by the cobu/via Stewarts teaching and the
way he had his henchmen apply those teachings to the receivers.
The pain he has caused, and the ones he has  turned away from God as
a result! I pray for those who haven’t found their way back to Jesus
yet and that Jesus carries them back into his sheepfold!
God bless you all!Ave

To all the victims of cults…

Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 03:39:51 -0000

Although this is directed to the cult I belonged to , it is to victims of all abusive churches and cults out there now , sifting men’s souls!

Good evening everybody!
This is lengthy but I trust the topic will be helpful.

We all come to this list at different levels and places and from
different times and positions in the FF/Cobu. Not all of us had
the same experiences, but certainly each of us did not have totally
unique experiences. Each of us may represent a certain part of the
75,000 victims involved and we each have things to share.

Some of us have established a certain under the counter level of
communications that is fine for where those are. But where I
am coming from is our responsibility in feeding the Cobu line
of the people we led into joining that may even be there still, like
Joy Irey and Mike Horan…both Jim’s lambs! a long time ago.

Everything we say to each other we see, affects all. Just as in the
bible, if one part of the body suffers, all feel it. What we try
to accomplish is healing of this body and address different issues
as they present themselves or come to mind. Some issues pertain to
certain categories more than others. In my case I never had anything
to do with the Christian Brothers business as I left in 1976.

Since that time however, my life in Christ has gone through a
metamorphosis of sorts as I grew into the person Jesus has me
today, and God’s not finished with me yet! I have grown a world
away from Cobu and although I can trace many issues I still face
back to my Cobu days, I have been blessed in many other ways by
the mercies of God . The Lord has blessed us with new sight and
new visions in his service and new direction, as he leads us
including leading us to this sight. We have been involved in
much spiritual warfare and remain at His service in this area.

Long ago, Jim and I started studying about Angels, demons, deliverance
interpretation, and  from the Holy Spirit and visited
different churches known for different gifts and applications of those

We have found
that this spiritual warfare is very involved and many factors
present themselves, yet there are patterns and signals that the
spirits present to give themselves away in their perverted pride.
We have had encounters that have been under the anointing of the
Holy Spirit leading to deliverance from demons for some individuals.
We have learned that, for example there are spirits controlling
certain regions. A good book to get a picture of this was written
by Frank Peretti- ” This Present Darkness” – a novel but gives a
picture of spiritual warfare. Another great book that deals with
cultic controls is by Eric Hoffer called “The True Believer”written
in 1951  available by order from Barnes & Noble. Jim just ordered a
copy again..He has given dozens away over the years…
We recommend these books. Both are quick reading and very

Some people in church settings as well as Cobu
have been treated as slaves and others have not.
Jim mostly addresses the ones that apply to. We aren’t saying
it is everyone. We aren’t saying there wasn’t a church within the

Like in nature we can learn allot-
Just look however, for example, on the discovery channel
sometimes, and look at how a herd or flock of animals act together
and how when they are in danger how they respond. I watched
how wilder beasts will surround their young and try to protect them
from a hyena or lion attack. I have seen some animals leave their
young, while others die for their young. I have seen some animals
drive away their young at a certain stage of development and so on.
We can take many lessons from nature….

Different predators{like the devil and demons]
use different methods to kill. Some may cause a
stampede, others ‘corner’ some look for the weak, young or injured,
or the old & tired. Some hunt in packs, some hunt alone. And so it is
with demonic hunting culling out the weak, infirm and unlucky.
The very creation cries out that there is a God…our adversary the
devil prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour…
has many predatorial descriptions – a serpent, a leviathan, a
behemoth, a lion, dogs, bears, vultures etc., and each hunts in
different manners. Their goal is the same.

Familiar spirits come in various shapes and sizes, different
personalities and seldom come alone. If they can’t outright attack
and get you, they do it through various channels and circumstances
set up through out your life and surroundings. Many of you already
know this, I am addressing those who may not.

The Familiar spirits I would like to talk about now, are the ones
who like to speak to us in our own language – in our heads-…….

biblically, like the “fearsome ones” that tried to make the Jews
surrender, out of their stronghold-   Do you remember in the OT in
Kings, when Sennacharib and his envoys yelled up to the people on the wall
to surrender?

Hezekiah went and prayed to God and they were turned away.
If you look at the story, the Jewish reps asked them to speak in
Aramaic so the people on the wall would not understand the
negotiations and therefore fear.
The bad guys knew this and spoke all
the louder in their[Jewish] language to make the people get off the
wall [a figure of their salvation]and not listen to Hezekiah, their
king{for us a figure of the Holy Spirit as he was inquiring of God
for us} but to surrender and go to a land like their own…You can’t
make a deal with the devil and live-for ever-/Meant to whoof  them

Well God TOLD Hezekiah to make the people stand firm and God caused
the *evil ones* to turn and turn on each other and the Jews were

That scenario, if we apply it to ourselves is very similar.

The familiar spirits will whisper in our heads thoughts,
that are meant to steal our salvation and take us captive,
leading to our destruction.
If we resist the devil and stand firm on the wall of our
salvation, the devil will flee and we will be saved..

Likewise, look further into the story of Hezekiah and see where
the *out front attack* of these *demons/enemy* did not work the
envoys from *Babylon/SPIRIT of false religion* did work.
Hezekiah showed them all that he had, the bible says, so the prophet
told Hezekiah that they would therefore
be taken into captivity!
Guile is another trick of the *devil*, if force don’t work *he* will
use any deceptive way including what *appears to be religious* in
motive to lure us away from a fruitful relationship with God.

I realize these ‘dynamics’ are rather elementary, yet I have met
many a Christian, not only from the cobu who didn’t quite grasp this
before. I myself, didn’t grasp it well until 1989 and as a result was
freed from the influence of familiar spirits that whispered into my
own mind, short-term future events that scared me! I feared I was
becoming like Jean Dixon! When I would question before, many times
I assumed it to be the Holy Spirit directing me and forewarning me of
things to come.

When I became enlightened to these devilish
techniques, I prayed for right discernment of spirits and was granted
this request to know the difference! With firm rebuke and constant
prayer I was set free to learn the mind of Christ concerning me. If
you have been there you will understand this. Before, every time I
wanted a new way to serve God, the devil would flood my mind with
evil thoughts, sometimes while praying, or dumb ideas, or tangents,
or confusion or plans leading to disaster which would make me ask
God, why did this happen to me! and so on. There is a way that seems
right to a man, but….way to death. Do you see what I am saying?

Once I realized that my mind was the primary battleground for my
faith, I realized that all those foul thoughts[especially when trying
to pray at times] that would cause me endless guilt, were like fish
swimming in the sea of my mind looking for me to catch them and eat
them into my being![lured and enticed by my own desire] the devil
would really lay a number on me at times including telling me to go
commit suicide!or act out of revenge or spite etc.whatever it would
take to just ‘give up’!for 5 years after the Cobu I lived under ‘self
condemnation’ and acceptance of my fate to go to hell…another lying
voice manipulating me to destroy me. Praise God I am free of that now!

It is very important that if you are troubled in your mind, that is,
to be set free from whatever *demonic whisperer* is filling your head
with junk to upset you. When I was first delivered of this, there
were times  when *it/they* tried to come back just like the parable
of the  house swept clean and *7 others* worse than the first tried
to re-enter. Praise God, when you see, and then know what time the
thief is coming, you watch the house! The thief comes when you least
expect it and in the dark. I always keep my lamp ‘trim’ and light
burning and house swept clean through the word. Applying scripture to
your life daily, will protect you from harm. Study and learn to
rightly divide the word of truth has become my shield & sword of
protection. The process is daily and on going till our savior returns.

I hope this helps someone, out there and it is in no way meant to
insult or infer anything negative to any reader.

God bless you all !
Love in Christ,
Ave Cosgriff

How a fellowship turned church became a cult.

In the 1970’s there was a big Jesus Movement going on and many cults formed, some famous and others went underground. One such group formed out of a network of fellowships of young people who wanted to follow Jesus. I met and joined this group but unlike the majority of the others I was already a Christian, joining to gain more bible knowledge. This was a very nice loose knit trusting group of young people whose lives were later irreputably damaged, some beyond control and others are still captive to what turned into madness.

A narcissistic sociopath who married a 16 yr old girl and saddled her with 5 children, was a  HS grad with plans on making a cyclotron and later through his mental illness and greed for power and  money was living in a broken down bus and later low income housing as an outcast heard of these young people.

He did some research, made up some off the wall bible studies and introduced himself to these kids and gradually brought in his ‘special knowledge’ bible studies. He was charismatic, ingenious, a con man and visited often and started slowly to use his cunning  devilish understanding of human nature to gain trust and encouraged the kids to keep witnessing and making the group larger and larger for the kingdom of God or so they thought. He always talked of the day they would have 1000 members together to give God glory [failing to mention he was setting himself to be the God they had to glory!]

AS the time drew close, his wife then about 30, knew what he had been doing to her all those years and was now preparing to launch on these unwitting youth, stood up to him and tried to stop him. Being the narcissist he was,  he cleverly devised a plan to discredit her, long before the 1000 meeting arrived and by that time he convinced his then followers to start to support him in his studies ,as he was going to be the one to expose the Antichrist when the end times arrived.

He meanwhile was beginning to brainwash a young impressionable teenaged girl that had become one of his many secretaries and his wife tried to tell everyone that he planned on dumping her for this young girl.

This guy was then about 39 yrs old. The time came for the 1000 meeting and he announced that the group was now large enough and committed enough to apply for status as a ”real church’, mind you he had no bible degrees. Everyone was excited to be recognized as part of a ‘real church’. He then pretended to have every vote on a new name for the church and after the voting, since there were so many possibilities, that he suggested the name [he already chosen ahead of time] which was the Church of Bible Understanding, later referred to as the COBU.

Shortly after he staged different events to drive his wife away and discredit her enough to be able to gain sympathy from the group to divorce her and have the group pay for it and help him gain custody of his children. He said he needed his children to fulfill the requirements of being able to lead the new  church, since he claimed he ‘had to have rule over his own household and all agreed.

In summer of 1975 his wife was cast out and he was in the driver’s seat. Until that time everyone had their own ‘worldly’ jobs and only contributed to the costs of their own fellowships, like roommates do and when a meeting was held that he spoke at, a  love offering was taken up.

Now the change began in Spring of 1976. Word was sent out that tax status was approved. Now instead of some who were out of work and didn’t eat [ as they didn’t share food in the fellowships, since IF you don’t work you don’t eat” was the justification in the bible. I was by then in my 4th  fellowship, that I began to feed everyone, regardless to if they worked and paid for it or not, out of my own earnings.

He came and asked me why and I told him that it was cheaper for me to cook a large meal and share it than to simply eat out in restaurants and know somebody was hungry at home. He pondered it and said I had a good idea. What I didn’t realize he was going to use my idea to further swindle everyone.

Word was sent out that we now were going to take advantage of the new tax exemption by ‘donating our entire salaries’ and as a group could buy things wholesale, including food and clothing and all benefit from it. If you needed something, you simply had to put in a request [however doing so would indicate you were in the flesh and not sacrificing so few put in any requests]

Some center leaders left as they knew it was wrong, but he placed  new leaders in power to encourage everyone to give it their all. After all the bible said all who believed were together and shared everything in common. He found verses to back up all his new militant actions and the majority complied. Disgruntled were quickly discredited and most left. He no longer needed them, there were many new ones joining every day.

His next move was to announce that since his wife ‘backslid’ that Jesus wanted him to have a family with a wife that obeyed Jesus and amazingly it was the same girl his wife said he was after a year earlier!

This caused more to leave the group, who knew the truth. He didnt care, because as he often spoke about priming the pump…once we passed the 1000 mark, he had plenty to fall back on.

Now all the salaries were being collected and he gradually had his lieutenants close down  the regular houses and they bought up old dilapidated  warehouses and began filtering people into the warehouses, most were uninhabitable by any legal standards. He  uprooted people systematically from the cities they lived at and moved them to the ‘PIT’ as it was called in NYC. He didn’t care who skipped out or escaped because he had a dedicated workforce that went out daily recruiting, thinking they were serving God still and bringing in new converts. The difference was that everyone was split up and those meaning well didn’t know what he was actually doing, but thought they were serving God still. He now had a following, money and power and by dislocating his followers kept all off balanced, created the jobs he wanted them to do in NYC and he reaped all the money of their labors and still does to this day.

To cover up some of his game, he opened a ‘mission’ in Haiti to make his new ‘church’ look legitimate and to fool any new converts, as they were working for a “good cause”. What really was happening was that he was collecting enormous donations, supposedly to help the starving children in Haiti, taking the physical donations and selling them on e-bay and in a sub store making millions!

Meanwhile he had a slave labor force estimated at about 1000 and for years afterwards varying amounts of people. He had his followers target many homeless people in NYC and take them in, give them showers and a change of clothing and put them to work. In exchange people were given $1 a day  and still do, but some don’t even get the$1~ To maintain control, people are continuously brainwashed that to leave is to backslide and go to Hell. While ‘in’ they are deprived of all outside news and social activity, so they are then unable to re-enter the world. These people have become collectively ‘his wife’ and he abuses them all,  as any narcissist would. He doesn’t live with them.They live in squalor. He now has 4personal jets, and a condo in Florida that no one can approach. He has cultivated ‘underlings’ running it and reporting to him. He comes and mentally beats everyone up telling them such, “If you leave you will commit suicide” and ” You will be a homosexual and homeless” and the like.

Out of fear and mental exhaustion, some have now stayed ‘in’ for over 30 yrs and he has them so brainwashed and isolated that no one can do a thing.They are powerless to change. Many current and former members can not even agree as to whether this is a cult!

They have been told that if it were a cult that they believed in vain and that shatters them even more. Some have already committed suicide and other have died. He exploits the deaths as God’s wrath for disobeying him and therefore keeps many captives and many on the outside impotent to lead normal lives. I am talking about 40,000+ people over a 34 year span!~~~

There have been a few investigations into the group. One of their side businesses “Christian Brothers Carpet Cleaning” in NYC has even been mentioned jokingly in an old Seinfeld skit. People that finally break away are often too afraid to talk as they fear going to Hell… He has them sewed up in believing his lies. SOME, a few hundred anyway have banded together on line in a private group to discuss all that has happened to them in the group and since they left the group. Some have rejoined the cult at times and left again. Some have re-entered organized religion and have survived although deeply scarred for life, others have become recluses and misfits , mentally handicapped or entered abusive marriages with lesser narcissists  because of the brainwashing they received and familiarity to being mistreated as being normal.

This leader, however,  still lives in luxury, did marry that 19 yr old over 30 yrs ago and now that her health is failing from an accident, has already lined up the young daughter of an outcast member who is powerless to save his daughter!

Everyone can agree that he is a narcissist and not of God. Some do however still have conflicts as to whether he ever even believed in God. Marriages were basically banned  since no one was worthy to be married [as an unnecessary expense] and there are few that have managed to marry and remain in the group. Marriages were broken up routinely and he took on a series of ‘half-wives’ who were women not allowed to marry anyone but to become part of his harem.

The survivors group is getting stronger and some have gone in and out of the cult trying to rescue others they care about. Til now no gov’t agency has been able to crack the group and hold this maniac accountable. Some members have been in for 30+ yrs and fear the outside too much. The leader is now in his 70’s and the consensus is, that he will someday be causing them all to commit mass suicide once like Jim Jones.

If you have dealt with lesser men of his nature, who have devastated their families and or communities, if you can address this issue you might help save the lives of hundreds of people and help heal the hurts of all those in the survivors groups, who still struggle daily over this injustice and inhumanity that  this fiend perpetrates on us all.

I was witness to many of the things that took place during the transition and have access to many files dealing with the things he committed to back up what I have told here. I am in contact with some of the survivors privately online and if you can bring this to light you can do a tremendous service to God and mankind.

I hope this story  isn’t overlooked and that you can bring it to the public’s awareness. I have alot of research to support what I am telling you and can probably supply you  more witnesses to prove it all. Many are afraid to come forward or have their names known. Others, like me are no longer afraid for ourselves but for those still in his clutches.


Ave Hurley