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Even if you like & believe in Obama, its wrong to re-elect him. He can’t deliver!

Sorry, I have to disagree with those who are currently convinced that Obama deserves a repeat performance. Sure he’s mostly likable in public and appeals to many based on the support he receives. But honestly most of his supporters are those who have lost vision and hope  in the USA because they have been disillusioned, downtrodden, impoverished and the only thing they look to the government for is food stamps and cash grants, unemployment benefits extended and SSI or SSDI and fear they will lose what little they have if he isnt re-elected.

He has acted as President for the last four years and accomplished close to nothing of his campaign promises and has never ceased to blame Bush and others for his own failures. If he had no solutions to improve the USA back in 2008 he has none for 2012 . Instead he resorts to using entertainers and seeking backing from those least affected by his incompetence.He uses them to appeal to those who have nothing or close to nothing and when he gains their votes, which are as valuable as any one who is rich, he has found how to gain mass support and the very people he is hurting most have been duped into empowering him to keep them downtrodden!

Although I have seen some arguments that  sound most compelling and are well written, I think Romney is exactly who we need to bring the rich back to our country and stop outsourcing jobs as they have been being driven away by socio-economic reasons over the passed 30+ yrs.

Every country where the rich invest to create corporations, factories, companies  etc., then employ alot of people who lived in poverty otherwise. It is a shame however that in those countries, there are little to no safeguards for their human rights and many live and work for food and shared shelters. At least in the USA  if a person can secure a job to make them self sufficient, they can get housing, a car, education for themselves and their children and can conceivably work their way up the ladder and achieve success.

Right now China now is the #1 manufacturer in the world, which while they are hard working and work for less money, which draws the rich to invest there, We need to become more competitive to get those jobs back here in the USA. China however has more control over their people and their economy and much of their wealth is invested  into making them the next #1 power of the world. We are contributing to their endeavor by keeping Obama and similar politicians in office. While Obama will appeal to the poor  vote, citing he will take it from the rich, unlike Robin Hood  he isnt giving it to the poor~ On the contrary, the poor stay on welfare and food stamps, below poverty,many homeless, while he himself has become a multimillionaire and boasted  with his recent statement “if you have a small business , You didnt build it”
He speaks from his own experience, since he didnt build any small business  to get all the money he now has. He has been receiving money from foreign supporters ever since he was in college and has had them backing him financially in every political campaign he has been in since Chicago~! He uses people, especially socialmalcontents as a commodity to trade off their votes to give him more wealth and power as he has been weakening our economy and military and promoting racism , socialism and communism.

If we keep driving the rich and big businesses overseas, acting like the government and the poor want to take away their wealth and profits, rather than working for them to earn it, we all lose.

While I personally am disabled and now part of the 47% I remember when I worked on Wall St for several firms,that I worked hard and was rewarded for it and was able to make a decent living .

They had great medical dental and some of the companies I worked at even had cafeterias with meals for only $1 that were great.

I would love to see more companies like those coming back to America, as when I was a teen, easily hired at entry level, but within a year doubled  my salary and was in management. 

Now I have grown children that cant find jobs like I had when I was young. We need  big business to come back to America~!!

What we dont need are the corruptible politicians that enable the rich to skip out on what they provide employees like happens now where its almost impossible to find any full time job with affordable benefits. I believe Romney has a better approach as he knows both sides of the fence and how to talk to the rich while trying to get the job creation going to help the poor become self sufficient.

I am now disabled, in chronic pain needing joint replacement surgeries I havent been able to get.

I can no longer easily travel anywhere or to work . I can not work any job requiring continual 40 hr per week, or repetitive tasks. 

I can however work in a limited capacity when I dont have a Lupus flare up  or when my Co0ngestive Heart Failure settles down.My mind and thought process is still employable, I can contribute to society.

I can from home and would love to find a real job that I can be proud to do that would require like I do online now. Instead I still do alot of volunteerism and short assignments just to keep busy. Life can offer more,especially to our young, if we can get more companies to come back to America and provide jobs  that are easy to train for.

Many who are forced to go on welfare and who give up seeking work, remain defeated, living below poverty, are desperate, depressed and that leads them to existing in survival mode and that causes so much discontent and anguish that they are easily manipulated by Obama, as their hope.

Best Obama offers is food stamps as many cant even get cash benefits. This causes even more desperation as many of them have to trade or sell the food stamps to pay rent in their boarding houses so they dont have to live on the streets, so downtrodden, most dont even have a decent enough wardrobe to go on a successful job interview~! It burdens the middle class and cultivates more class & racial warfare.

When I first went to start working in NYC when I was 17, all I had in my pocket was carfare, yet was able to go into a work agency, fill out an application, take some sample tests and then was sent  out on interviews and got a job the same day.

Then after working so many months and having trained at a particular job, it added to my resume. As I became proficient at what I did, I was able to go back to  a job agency during a lunch break, update my resumes and then schedule interviews for better jobs. I worked my way up the corporate ladder and did well. 

Nowadays, there are few to no jobs like that – at least in the region where I now live. 

My sons are now 27 & 29 partially disabled physically, but could easily do the type of work I did back in my day, IF there were companies here that would be  hiring.There arent any.

All they have found to do over the passed 3 1/2 yrs were temp jobs and part time manual labor jobs that laid off before the time frames that would have enabled them to at least get unemployment but they never could get jobs with enough days to ever qualify before the lay offs~! Often temp jobs wont even give a W2 at the end of the year, but many are forced to take such temp work just to survive!!

 So they are stuck living in misery, depressed & downtrodden, ashamed of themselves to have to be living home and not able to be on their own. Its like that for many of their friends too and we have often taken in those who have become homeless due to  not having jobs or anywhere to go.

We believe, that despite Romney’s 47% remark behind closed doors to some potential rich supporters, that  he had to speak to them in ways to encourage them into investing in America and sorry if people didnt like the remarks [which were never meant for their ears] that is all part of negotiations in giving rich reasons to invest.

If Romney said something like we want you[rich]  here to invest in me and the poor so we can suck off your fortunes and cut down your profits in doing so, then who in their right mind would be  interested in investing? They instead go to other countries where they can make a better profit!

Maybe its because I have lived on both sides of the fence and have never been jealous or envious of someone eles success that instead was inspired and emulated them to reach my own success at times that~

I find it hard to thing voting for Obama as he will never bring America anything more than class warfare, racism and reverse racism along with continued depravity of malcontents.

I think Romney’s approach is what we need and will give a boost of hope and new vision to the USA and stimulate the rich to invest in America which will then help all who need work.

America has been on the downslope for the last 30+ years and so each President could blame their predecessors,from both parties~!! Obama however was least qualified to tackle the task of being President and has made matters worse at an accelerated pace. He has brought the USA to the brink of bankruptcy since he has not worked towards solutions but instead kept giving excuses, blames and empty speeches and has been deceiving people as he has not produced the results his office was to do. He had hired a staff that was incompetent or anti-American and they have worked on agendas that will lead to the collapse of our government which will leave us vulnerable to be conquered by our enemies.


I am 58 and first became disabled from an accident in 1984 which made it possible only to work part time jobs on and off for several years til I developed new health issues and heart problems and Lupus. I have struggled now for more than 1/2 my life, with deteriorating health  that caused me to have to move away from NYC in order to find  a place to live and raise my children properly.They are all grown now and have children of their own.I have 5 children and 13 grandchildren.I also have 13 brothers and sisters who all have had promising careers as civil servants and military personnel. So with all my family and extended family have paid in taxes, they sometimes tell  me not to feel bad about being disabled  that at least then they see where some of their taxdollars go. That doesnt make me feel any better,  having once been the most affluent in my family to now be the poorest! Some say thats the luck of the draw, maybe it is,.

Still after living in survival mode for 1/2 my life, I have seen and been involved in the dilemmas commonly facing those living below poverty, those who have to struggle by on meager entitlements, who feel substandard or low caste~ I have been homeless,

I have lived in shelters, I have experienced sub standard class treatment and humiliation. I have felt the degradation and self loathing associated with failure.  I have received substandard medical care. I have witnessed judicial corruption in treatment of my family members because they couldn’t afford lawyers.

I have seen the hypocrisy in the system if society in so many arenas and can understand the pain and indignation suffered by those born into poverty, including those single parents and  kids growing up in foster care, elderly abandoned who need help.I have known some who have killed themselves or have broken laws and went to jail, others who have turned to God and yet were shunned by churches and on and on.

I have known those who have lost vision, hope and that if given a chance in life would speedily turn around , just to be given a second chance in life, a chance at a job, their own home and able to buy new clothing for their children instead of only hand  me downs, who can go out to a restaurant once in a while and get more than a $.99 McDouble~

There are many currently on or not on welfare that would jump at a chance for a job that would include  health care and a salary large enough to cover their rent, bills and transportation.

Sure its not all Obama’s fault, I don’t think anyone can blame him for the last 30 years of economic decline and social unrest in our country .

Since this job is supposed to be President of the United States, the most powerful job in the entire world, it needs to go to one who is most qualified to be able to use the resources that are afforded to the POTUS where such a person can hire the best and most powerfully staffed cabinet that can tackle to socio-economic troubles now facing our country,Obama has not been able to accomplish  what is needed. Instead he has alot of rhetoric that continues the hopeless complaints of the poor, and those listening fail to realize he has the power to change it but he hasn’t the vision or knowledge how to change it.He is not qualified and never should have run for a job he isn’t capable of doing well at.The job requires more than being able to give good speeches, which is all he has been able to do, Even his foreign policy is a failure.

Romney’s plan is most likely to succeed. Obama hasn’t actually presented any plans.

For that reason I am more convinced than ever that MITT ROMNEY & PAUL RYAN can effect more beneficial changes for our country.

Romney has handled success  very well and will bring his expertise to t he White House and will be able to balance the budget sheets and work out the best plan for getting the USA out of debt to China , be able to protect Medicare and streamline the administration of  the Medicaid based programs  He can work out provisions to privatize medical coverage  that would cause healthy competition between health care providers instead of them resenting having to treat the poor or retired. 

This would give quality care to all, without imposing fines on small businesses and individuals.

Besides since the Congress, Senate & Muslims are exempt from Obamacare, then the rest of America should also be also be exempt~! Romney knows we need  better healthcare but he has a much more reasonable plan on providing it that will be better for businesses and individuals alike,

Romney & Ryan have a vision to help save America and Obama has no such vision.We need therefore to consider not just our own private situation in life but the overall national situation and accept that we have to consider the good of the nation before we can enjoy our rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness as guaranteed under the Bill of Rights and Constitution. If we let the government bankrupt our nation we will lose all our rights, even our rights to complain~!