Ave Hurleys Top Pics : Tenant House & Hobson’s Lighthouse & More




Since 2008,  I began a site which evolved into being ArtRave.com now ArtRevu where my focus turned from my own artworks to helping other artists to display and sell their artworks as well. All art is family friendly and suitable for viewing audiences of all ages and beliefs.

When I find some ‘me’ time I have worked mostly on learning how to do  digital art on my own, lacking the knowledge of what all the technical terms mean in Adobe and other art programs I have tried, I went back to a simple photo editing software that  came with my $49 Vivitar Digital camera. The software is called Arcsoft Photoimpression 4.0 and I have been able to master doing pointalism art with it as well as recreate as in mixed media, converting paintings I began in acrylics then photo’d and then totally repainted or redrew over them with the Photoimpression software for my mouse.

The results of most have been stellar as I have been able to enlarge portions of my paintings to repaint the most minute details in ways a normal fine 10/0 brush could never achieve. Now since these were painted on monitor screen,my next challenge was to learn how to print them suitably for framing as well as what inks would bring longevity and be fade resistent. That is like a science of its own but through trial and erro and using various printable canvas stocks and photo stocks I was able to achieve success and create my own Art Card Edition Originals and other framable prints which I then began to sell on Ebay and other websites.

The printing process is a very time consuming and expensive endeavor indeed as when printing a 13×19 ” painting, if the ink levels are even slightly off, the entire painting can become something totally different than the one shown on monitors. Some effects have been great and others have driven me back to the drawing board.lol



I have found also by joining  certain POD sites [print-on-demand] such asArt.com, ArtWanted,  Fine Art America, Imagekind, RedBubble, CafePress, Zazzle & Society6 that they have great success in printing images exactly as shown on monitors so I now maintain shops in each of them for those who wish to buy various sizes of my prints or cards and wish to shop around for sizes, stocks, prices, sales and so on. I keep direct links to all my shops on my ArtRave.com site  for customer convenience, but am always willing to create a one of a kind original print when asked. UNFORTUNATELY THEY ARE GEARED TOWARDS THE SALE OF THEIR OWN PRODUCTS REGARDLESS TO WHOSE ART IS ON IT SO NONE ARE PROFITABLE FOR ARTISTS~!


Most recently I introduced my latest seascape with lighthouse, called Hobson’s Lighthouse ,named after my sister’s family and had it printed as continental sized collectors art post cards. They measure 5.25 x 4.25 and have their colored semi gloss imge on the front and a greyscale image with information on the back. These arent ordinary post cards but printed as postcards so that their inks will not fade and they can be framed for smaller wall areas or placed on desks or shelves. They are precisely detailed and should be a welcome addition to any decor.

www.artrave.com/AH-001-134 Ave Hurley - Hobsons Lighthouse

Continental sized artist two sided collectors post cards – limited edition – framable and artist signed, these can be ordered directly from the artist on http://www.Art2do.com

Hobsons Lighthouse is available for $5 including S&H It comes signed and dated.

I hope you enjoy these and that once matted and framed will give you or your loved ones years of enjoyment~ These are Giclee Prints and the inks are rated for over 200 years out of the sun.
Ave Hurley

6 thoughts on “Ave Hurleys Top Pics : Tenant House & Hobson’s Lighthouse & More

  1. I was part of the COBU for around 6-8 months in 1979 while stationed in Phila. I went there to get away from drugs. At the time I thought I had found the answer. It took along time to get away from them and a good friend to talk me out of it. He showed me how he was using people and the wrong things he was teaching. In 1979 I was a young sailor who was looking for answers. I found a piece of literature in my pocket and called them. I met some members the next day and the rest is history. I watched all the things that Stewart said and did and when I left how I was treated. I didn’t know that being a Christan had to do with weather I stayed or left the COBU. I know this has been talked to death on every site that contains any mention of this cult. Since then I have in and out of church I can’t seem to settle down in any religion and denomination.

  2. Hi Tim~ Your sentiments are shared by many. Seems that increasingly it is harder to find a church to settle in. I think overal it is because “church” has been infected with “religion”…still we look to find what we want to consider as ‘like minded’ people.
    Have a relationship with Jesus sometimes gets sidetracked by the troubles of this world.WE are pilgrims and wanderers…we are not of this world… we dont fit in but have to live here for now and make the best of it as we can.Cobu did shine a light on the failings of the ‘church’ but not on itself.
    It pointed out many problems or conflicts without offering any viable solutions, leaving many who left, desolate in their spirits, embittered by their sacrifices being for what they remember as a waste of time more than the good they may have derived from learning more about the bible.. Stewart offered death in the pot ~ he poisoned all who went through the ranks of Cobu. Some have gotten sick and others have died, yet many of us are still struggling from day to day making it to a new tomorrow.

    Looking to ‘belong’ , I think most of us have been in and out of churches and other fellowships over the years and have experienced alot of alone time as well.
    This life may be full of disappointments, but we cant focus on the negative all the time, rather we are to dwell on the positive..

    Whatever is good, holy peaceable, fruitful and such is far healthier to dwell on than the glass half empty frame of mind.
    the battleground is within us in our hearts and minds as each day we must choose whom we will serve, bearing in mind there is no discharge from the war, nor will wickedness deliver those given to it. We may tried to fit into any sort of crowd, b

  3. Hi Tim~ Your sentiments are shared by many. Seems that increasingly it is harder to find a church to settle in. I think overal it is because “church” has been infected with “religion”…still we look to find what we want to consider as ‘like minded’ people.
    Have a relationship with Jesus sometimes gets sidetracked by the troubles of this world.WE are pilgrims and wanderers…we are not of this world… we dont fit in but have to live here for now and make the best of it as we can.Cobu did shine a light on the failings of the ‘church’ but not on itself.

    It pointed out many problems or conflicts without offering any viable solutions, leaving many who left, desolate in their spirits, embittered by their sacrifices being for what they remember as a waste of time more than the good they may have derived from learning more about the bible.. Stewart offered death in the pot ~ he poisoned all who went through the ranks of Cobu. Some have gotten sick and others have died, yet many of us are still struggling from day to day making it to a new tomorrow.

    Looking to ‘belong’ , I think most of us have been in and out of churches and other fellowships over the years and have experienced alot of alone time as well.
    This life may be full of disappointments, but we cant focus on the negative all the time, rather we are to dwell on the positive..

    Whatever is good, holy peaceable, fruitful and such is far healthier to dwell on than the glass half empty frame of mind.

    The battleground is within us in our hearts and minds as each day we must choose whom we will serve, bearing in mind there is no discharge from the war, nor will wickedness deliver those given to it.

    We may tried to fit into any sort of crowd, but will never feel totally ingrafted as we are a chosen people and generation.All that the Father gives to Me, WILL come to Me… and him who comes to Me , I will not cast out…

    He is faithful even when we arent- even when our hearts condemn us as He is greater than our hearts and greater is He that is in YOU than he that is in the world…

    Still ‘he'[satan] is a liar and father of lies , negativity, death and doom , so he is doing his job in trying to go about ‘like’ a roaring lion, seeking whom he ‘may’ devour.

    We are marked for life, one way or another as a child is known by their actions, although we are not to judge by appearances , rather with “Right” judgement, that is to say -God is the Judge- not us.. and IF we study to show ourselves a workman ‘approved’ by Rightly dividing the Word of Truth~ Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life [ not death] we are to be wary of doing only what ‘seems right’ as there is a way that ‘seems right to a man’ .. but its end is the way to death[satan, that angel of light, that great deceiver !]

    Remembering the Tower of Babel where Nimrod was rebelling against God’s commands and had unified all the people to follow his lead and the Lord said to my Lord[God & Jesus] that at the rate Nimrod and those people were going that soon they would be totally reprobate doing as they pleased and not pleasing to God..

    Well to give mere man a better chance at surviving spiritually, knowing that in the battleground of man’s mind, mankind had already surrendered to the enemy and was living in a land like their own and not honoring God as God….

    Now God could have destroyed mankind right there and then, but devised a way to bring his banished ones back~
    Jesus was to become our mediator and leader and Lord so that we wouldnt have to follow the iniquities buried in our hearts..

    Satan and its hords always whisper ‘sweet nothings’ into our minds, in our own language, so that we get a thought, consider it, own it and then act on it…We need to take our thoughts captive.. test the spirits that give us such thoughts and ideas and reject, consciously reject the way that seems right to a man~ and try to put on the mind of Christ and learn what is pleasing to the Father!!

    Jesus said in this life we will have tribulation but to be of good cheer as He had overcome the world~ He did and we do as we follow Him, not copying him or pretending to be like Him or making up a set of rules of do’s and dont’s but to simply allow Him to reign in our lives and rather than listening and yielding to the promptings of satan in our corrupted hearts, to embrace that new heart of flesh that Jesus gives us when we are born again and to nourish that heart, listening to the ‘still small voice’ of the Holy Spirit and rejecting all the taunts and confusing ideas and manipulations that satan would have us to commit on a daily basis ~ which only further estranges us from our God and he who is estranged, seeks pretext to break out against sound ‘Judgement’..God’s ways…

    God told us that our ways are not His ways…Satan works tirelessly to destroy mankind and is out to cull away those who are double minded and weak, who fail to call upon the Lord who will graciously bow the heavens from on high and come down and rescue us..

    Jesus prayed for us that the Father not take us out of the world, but to instead protect us and guide us in this race we call life.

    Satan does his ‘damnest’ to isolate us from one another and so when our house is swept clean [we are the temple of the Holy Spirit] satan targets us to try as it did to Job, to dare God that if all our blessings were removed that we would be no better than satan and likewise charge God with wrong!![heaven forbid!]

    God makes ways to bring us back and is ever so merciful and full of grace. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins…. the righteous [we are made righteous by the shed blood of Jesus Christ] may fall seven times [#demonstrating completion or all inclusive] and still will get back up!! BUT the wicked[satan] will fall and stay down.[will at last be cast into the lake that burns with fire forever and ever]

    God has made vessels fit for honor and dishonor.

    Those he meant for honor, will be tried by fire, flood and blood. They willbe vexed in heart when they do wrong, as we all have fallen short of the glory of God~

    Those meant for dishonor, dont give a hoot and simply dont care about others in anyway beyond how manipulating them can bring about ‘gain’ to the evil one…

    He who believes [relies on] the Son, HAS eternal life…he who does not obey the Son [yielding to the negative thoughts in his mind and acting on them]shall not see Life[Jesus is the Life] BUT the wrath of God rests upon them[ satan and his followers]

    Twisting scriptures to make God out to be mean or unfair or uncaring is what the devil does.. Job’s own wife told him to ‘curse God and die’ BUT Job rebuked her saying ,”Shall we not receive ‘good’ from God and not evil?” He understood the deal although he didnt know what was personally going on in his life, having lost his children, his possessions and lastly his health and the respect of those who knew him , who assumed [judging with wrong judgement by outward appearances] that Job in some way must have sinned and displeased God!

    It was the opposite actually which is why God rewarded Job so well here on earth. Job did get into whining, as could be expected and we all do at times, but he never lost sight that God was GOD and GOOD and merciful.

    The heavenly host rejoices when one sinner turns from their sin and obeys God…They watched as satan did its damnest to destroy Job, however it couldnt as God alone has power over life and death and will only permit death when His purposes are accomplished..

    Do not be deceived, whatever a mans ‘sows’ so shall he reap.. so all those who hold a form of religion but in whose daily lives deny the power of God~ can get all traditional and political and social and quote scriptures but God said, ‘these people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me.”

    The ‘church’ ~ Jesus’s church is interdispersed throughout time and space, it isnt the physical buildings or gatherings of people who sing nice songs and say nice things… they may be there and it is because of the genuine prayerful intercession of God’s ‘Saints” that we are so far thus spared..

    The way God sees it and says it , IF you can find 10 people in that great city that havent bowed their knee to the baals, He will spare that city!….WE must have alot of hidden knees bowed around the world and around this nation~~

    Judgment is coming however and the days are growing shorter and more evil.. Truth is lacking in the public square and man is exchanging the natural for unnatural and women likewise..good is becoming evil and evil is becoming the accepted good…

    Satan is a counterfeit version of God and whereas the world enjoyed a form of chrisitianity , it has become a joke to unbelievers who cite hypocrisy and corruption in the church and use that as an excuse to avoid acknowledging God…

    As such, satan is doing a reverse or counterfeit of the Tower of Babel where God took away communications by changing everyone’s language they could no longer be unified… They scattered and each developed his own religions and ways. Only those who called on God were brought together along with their descendents, Israel to form the Jewish nation that is despised by the world…

    If My people who are called by My name shall ‘humble themselves’ and ‘pray’ “I” will heal their land….

    That gave way to generations that eventually found and honored God and provided the lineage for Jesus to be born on earth in the flesh.

    Not withstanding, the spirit of antichrist was already among us and had brought a duality to the Jewish people which caused them to go into exile many times.They became hard of hearing and hardened their hearts so as the prodigal, they went to the world to squander their inheritance.

    The faithful one , Jesus came to set us free and by grace we are saved and not by works, lest any one should boast…. Pride is another of the deadly sins that brings man down and away from God.. Paul said if I boast in anything let it be in the Lord…

    Why is it then, as in the days of Bablyon, that churches compete and rail against each other and unity is absent?It is that spirit of religion, that satan has sent out to deceive the nations and if possible the very elect.

    Still there are those who genuinely love the Lord their God while remaining as babes in Christ and have been subjugated by the spirit of religion into thinking they are doing God a service when in fact they are not.

    He speaks to the 7[again a completed number]churches and points out what the spirit of religion has led them into believing and living by. No wonder there will be a great falling away! It is for lack of knowledge[of the Holy One] that My people perish and or go into exile…

    The weights and measures are the Lord’s.He can and will protect His people but we too must do our part in relying on Him to supply our every need and to worship Him as such the Father seeks..

    Don’t feel bad if you havent found a church to belong to. You belong to the family of God and that Church is yet to come when Jesus reigns again on earth..

    God will make all things new, but in a little while,we will be prompted by the Holy Spirit to hide ourselves away a little while, like the 5 virgins with oil who remained trimming their lamps til the bridegroom comes for them…. It is those who have partied and squandered there inheritance that will be scrambling for the ‘oil’ they need.

    We are in for rough days ahead, but He will give us the peace that will surpass it all as we watch the last battle begin and unfold before our eyes. Those of us who are callled to the battleground are not to shrink back in the ay of adverisity that is to come..

    What a priviledge and honor it will be to stand for Jesus when He comes.

    Menawhile, we try to meet together as is the habit of some, we are often found to be reclusive and alone.. lonely if we listen to a spirit of despair, but encouraged as we rely and trust in the Lord with all our hearts leaning not to our own understanding.. we are to take it one day at a time and do whatever is placed before us to do and do it for the glory of God.

    I dont allow myself to surrender to my feelings as they are easily manipulated by satan. Instead I am persuaded and convinced that God is in control and seeks my good and cares for me . No matter what ever happens to me I will trust in the Lord.. .I can stare that hungry lion in the eye and not be moved! so shall we all be made ready to stand with Jesus, not looking to the left or to the right, but to Him instead.

    Pray without ceasing, even for fellowship and friendship as it is not good for man to be alone~Still when Joseph spent those many years in prison, he did so honoring God and was later released and restored to more power than he has before his captivity.

    Pray to meet some people near you to fellowship with but never give up on the hope you have in Jesus Christ~!


  4. You can certainly see your expertise in the work you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. Always go after your heart.

  5. Pingback: Ave Hurleys Top Pics : Hobson’s Lighthouse | Ave | Art Rave

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